RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para net-http-persistent La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren net-http-persistent

supercast 0.0.4

Supercast ruby client

5.805 Descargas

beowulf-ruby 0.0.3

Beowulf-ruby is the official Beowulf library for Ruby.

5.734 Descargas

beowulf-ruby-testnet 0.0.3

Beowulf-ruby is the official Beowulf library for Ruby.

5.730 Descargas

wayfarer-jruby 0.0.3

Versatile web crawling with JRuby

5.661 Descargas


A Vagrant plugin to install Puppet modules using Librarian-Puppet.

5.532 Descargas

att-swift 1.0

A wrapper for OpenStack Object Storage v1 (aka Swift). Swift provides redundant storag...

5.381 Descargas

adtekio_adnetworks 0.0.5

Why this gem? The aim is to make mobile advertising and mobile user acquistion more fle...

5.336 Descargas

module-render-xyz 0.1.3

Infura Exchange gem which implements Exchange::Blockchain::Abstract & Exchange::Wallet:...

5.319 Descargas

uid2 0.2.1

Ruby API client for Unified ID 2.0

5.184 Descargas


multi-layer client for the github api v3

4.863 Descargas

bandcampbx 0.1.1

This is a client library for the CampBX API that supports instantiating multiple client...

4.574 Descargas

quber 0.0.7

Rails adapter for Qube

4.544 Descargas

peatio-nem2 1.0.47

Peatio Blockchain Plugin

4.537 Descargas

telemetry-snmp 0.3.0

A gem that grabs data from SNMP sources and sends it to Telemetry::AMQP

4.424 Descargas

neocoin-mechanize 2.0.2

The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize autom...

4.417 Descargas

unione-ruby 1.0.1

Official UniOne Gem to Interact with UniOne Api in native Ruby

4.253 Descargas

four_tell 1.0.0

Ruby bindings to the 4-Tell API.

4.193 Descargas

iron 0.0.1

Ruby client for IronMQ by

4.190 Descargas

peatio-dogecoin-gonzo 2.6.3

Dogecoin Peatio (2.6) gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Walle...

4.023 Descargas

ultex-eos 0.2.2

Blockchain Plugin for Ultex

3.967 Descargas

walletkit 1.0

WalletKit Ruby SDK

3.912 Descargas

dressing 0.0.1

A Capybara driver for Sauce Labs

3.881 Descargas

qube 0.0.2

Ruby HTTP-client for the Message Queue based on Tarantool

3.867 Descargas

fluent-plugin-raygun 0.0.2

Fluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Raygun. Raygun i...

3.812 Descargas

correios_rastreamento 0.0.1

Cliente ruby para api correios

3.509 Descargas

utapi 0.0.1

FIFA 14 Ultimate Team api in Ruby

3.499 Descargas

peatio-infura 0.1.72

Infura Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abstr...

3.484 Descargas

npm-mirror 0.0.1

NPM Mirror

3.481 Descargas

logger-http 0.1.0

A http logger

3.470 Descargas


Ruby gem generating thumbnail images from a given URL.

3.448 Descargas

Total de descargas 133.368.152

Para esta versión 17.125.642



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4
