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nagios_analyzer 0.0.1

h1. nagios_analyzer h2. Description nagios_analyzer gem allows you to parse a status.dat file produced by nagios or shinken. It's similar to nagios_parser in some way, but has different goals: * the parser doesn't rely on 3rd party library nor standard parser like 'racc', I want to keep the code very simple to read and maintain ; * the parser supports defining scopes, which are processed on the raw file for performance concern, ruby objects being instanciated lately when necessary : on my conf (85hosts/700services), spawning a ruby object for each section makes the script at least 10 times slower (0.25s => >3s). Most of the time, you'll only want to access a subset of your services or hosts, so it's ok. Since nagios_parser looks very cool too, you should try both and keep the best one for you. h2. Installation <pre>gem install nagios_analyzer</pre> h2. Usage <pre>require 'nagios_analyzer' require 'pp' status ="/path/to/status.dat") # get services items pp status.service_items # get host items pp status.host_items # all items ? pp status.items # in fact, each items is a hash pp status.items.first # get all sections, even those where status is OK status ="/path/to/status.dat", :include_ok => true) # define a personal scope (applied to section string, so look at your status.dat!) not_acknowleged = lambda{|section| section.include?("problem_has_been_acknowledged=0") } status ="/path/to/status.dat", :scope => not_acknowledged) # add more scopes status.scopes << lambda{|s| s.include?("notifications_enabled=1") } #no notifications status.scopes << lambda{|s| s.start_with?("hoststatus") } #only host statuses # reset cached results (if you changed scopes!) status.reset_cache! </pre>




  1. 0.0.5 July 14, 2013 (11 ko)
  2. 0.0.4 July 14, 2013 (10,5 ko)
  3. 0.0.3 February 22, 2012 (9 ko)
  4. 0.0.2 May 07, 2011 (8,5 ko)
  5. 0.0.1 January 28, 2011 (9 ko)

Dépendances de Development (1):

rspec >= 0



  • Jean-Baptiste Barth

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 20 752

Pour cette version 3 596

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: None
