RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para mysql2 La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mysql2

active_record_ignored_attributes 0.0.5

Allows you to compare Active Record objects based on their *attributes* (with same_as?)...

72.335 Descargas

ems 0.1.12

Editorial Management system used within group projects

72.156 Descargas

auth_passport_office 0.3.0

Devise + Doorkeeper + ApiAUth

71.914 Descargas

acts_as_oqgraph 1.0.1

Acts As OQGraph allows ActiveRecord models to use the fast and powerful OQGraph engine ...

71.850 Descargas

active_record_mutex 2.5.1

Mutex that can be used to synchronise ruby processes via an ActiveRecord datababase con...

71.352 Descargas

fluent-plugin-mysql-appender 0.5.1

Simple incremental id's insert.

71.225 Descargas

chicagowarehouse 0.6.8

Simple Data Warehouse toolkit for ruby

70.150 Descargas


Auth Origin Control checks the origin of the request at app entry

70.071 Descargas

aadhar 0.0.17

Token based authentication. To support backend authentication for ios, android, angular...

69.753 Descargas

workhorse 1.2.21

Multi-threaded job backend with database queuing for ruby.

69.696 Descargas

active_admin_jcrop 0.0.10

Jcrop plugin for ActiveAdmin, enable image cropping solution on image fields

69.509 Descargas

forklift_etl 1.2.2

A collection of ETL tools and patterns for mysql and elasticsearch.

68.651 Descargas

ocular 0.2.9

Framework to automate responses for infrastructure events. Ocular allows to easily cre...

68.312 Descargas

dhatu 0.2.3

Dhatu (Sanskrit word for elements). This plugin will add all the basic elements require...

66.583 Descargas

enju_search_log 0.2.0

Search log management for Next-L Enju

66.473 Descargas

active_record_serialize_json 0.1.4

Serialize an ActiveRecord::Base attribute via JSON in Ruby on Rails

66.306 Descargas

dbmanager 0.4.2

helps manage db dumps and imports via rake tasks

65.856 Descargas

factory_girl-preload 2.3.1

Preload factories (Factory Girl) just like fixtures. It will be easy and, probably, fas...

65.775 Descargas

cf-runtime 0.2.0

Cloud Foundry Runtime Library

65.410 Descargas

dataduck 1.2.3

A straightforward, effective ETL framework.

65.355 Descargas

ebisu_connection 3.1.0

65.137 Descargas

shoulda-matchers-uuid 0.1.3

This extends shoulda-matchers to allow validating binary uuids in models.

63.070 Descargas

traceindex 0.1.0

This Rake task investigates the application's tables definition, then tells you missing...

62.551 Descargas

fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator 1.0.3

Fluentd input plugin to track insert/update/delete event from MySQL database server. No...

62.462 Descargas

magerecord 0.5.8

A simple ActiveRecord wrapper for various Magento models

62.246 Descargas

replidog 1.1.3

master-slave replication helper for ActiveRecord

62.226 Descargas

brainstem 2.3.1

Brainstem allows you to create rich API presenters that know how to filter, sort, and i...

62.188 Descargas

bullet_uniform_notifier_mysql 0.1.0

Bullet uniform_notifier for mysql

61.713 Descargas

enju_flower 0.1.2

User interface for Next-L Enju

61.298 Descargas

genealogy 2.7.2

Genealogy is a ruby gem library which extends ActiveRecord models in order to make its ...

60.851 Descargas

Total de descargas 186.971.968

Para esta versión 4.938.109



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
