Dependencias inversas para mutations La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mutations
restpack_service 0.0.83
RestPack service base
180.022 Descargas
dry-mutations 1.6.0
Mutations gem interface implemented with `dry-rb`’s validation schemas.
116.127 Descargas
mutations_generator 0.3.2
Mutations are an elegant implementation of the Command and ServiceObject pattern in Rub...
52.068 Descargas
convenient_service 0.19.1
Yet another approach to revisit the service object pattern in Ruby, but this time focus...
27.435 Descargas
mutations-validate-outcome 0.9.0
Check mutations outcome when it’s a hash using the same techniques as the core mutation...
25.828 Descargas
kanpachi 0.0.7
Provides a DSL to describe your web API, generate documentation, and will eventually he...
20.072 Descargas
yadecli 0.1.6
Manage development project
10.290 Descargas
smooth 2.0.2
Smooth provides a simple DSL building powerful JSON APIs on top of ActiveRecord.
9.435 Descargas
restpack_service_messaging 0.0.4
RestPack Service Messaging
8.685 Descargas