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musicube_api_client_ruby 1.1.5

This is the Songtradr API. Use it to retrieve deep music metadata and trigger processes like auto-tagging. You can also use the API to manage your account and musicube cloud data. **Authentication** 1. Reach out to to receive a free account or use your login data if you are already signed up. 2. To authenticate, you need to login via the POST /api/v1/user/login endpoint. 3. The endpoint responds with a jwtToken which you can use in all following API requests as a bearer token. **Rate Limiting** The current limit is 120 Requests per minute. Reach out to us via if you need to request more. **Getting Started with auto-tagging** 1. If you want to get your own files auto-tagged, use the POST /api/v1/user/file/{name}/initUpload endpoint. It responds with a presigned S3 link where you can upload your file. 2. You can check the processing status of your file via the GET /api/v1/user/file/{name}/filesStatus endpoint. 3. As soon as processing is done, you can request the generated data via the GET /api/v1/user/files endpoint. **Getting Started with search** You can either search the released music via the /public/recording endpoints or your own private uploaded music via the /user/file/ endpoints. 1. If you want to search the world's released music, a good starting point is the GET /api/v1/public/recording/search endpoint. Please find the extensive list of parameters that serve as semantic search filters. 2. If you want to search your own previously uploaded music, a good starting point is the GET GET /api/v1/user/files endpoint. It has the same extensive list of parameters that serve as semantic search filters.




  1. 1.1.5 June 08, 2023 (135 KB)
Zeige alle Versionen (2 total)

Runtime Abhängigkeiten (2):

faraday >= 1.0.1, < 3.0

Development Abhängigkeiten (1):

rspec ~> 3.6, >= 3.6.0


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Downloads insgesamt 560

Für diese Version 550

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Erforderliche Ruby-Version: >= 2.7
