RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para murmurhash3 La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren murmurhash3

unleash 5.0.1

This is the ruby client for Unleash, a powerful feature toggle system that gives yo...

21.730.147 Descargas

logstash-filter-fingerprint 3.4.4

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

6.198.857 Descargas

optimizely-sdk 5.0.1

A Ruby SDK for use with Optimizely Feature Experimentation, Optimizely Full Stack (lega...

4.863.009 Descargas

logstash-filter-anonymize 3.0.7

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

4.504.458 Descargas

dapp 0.36.32

Build docker packaged apps using chef or shell

915.231 Descargas

fluent-plugin-genhashvalue 1.1

generate hash(md5/sha1/sha256/sha512) value

392.845 Descargas

xlsx_writer 0.4.4

Writes XLSX files. Minimal XML and style. Supports autofilters and headers/footers with...

261.865 Descargas

hash_digest 1.1.3

Make consistent hashcodes from flat Hashes, regardless of key ordering. Useful for hash...

155.011 Descargas

kimurai 1.4.0

Modern web scraping framework written in Ruby and based on Capybara/Nokogiri

153.572 Descargas

featurehub-sdk 1.2.3

FeatureHub Ruby SDK

128.229 Descargas

atomic_cache 0.6.0

A gem which prevents the thundering herd problem through a distributed lock

122.180 Descargas

smith 0.8.9

Simple multi-agent framework. It uses AMQP for it's messaging layer.

80.322 Descargas

tarantool 0.5.8

Tarantool KV-storage client.

74.762 Descargas

bitcoinrb 1.5.0

The implementation of Bitcoin Protocol for Ruby.

66.049 Descargas

vwo-sdk 1.40.0

Ruby SDK for VWO FullStack testing.

63.587 Descargas

rlrw 0.0.1

This hashing mechanism allows you to consistently hash to a specific node without needi...

43.426 Descargas

vector_embed 0.5.3

Vector embedding of strings, booleans, numerics, and arrays into LIBSVM / LIBLINEAR for...

34.346 Descargas

tapyrus 0.3.5

The implementation of Tapyrus Protocol for Ruby.

30.750 Descargas

hyperloglog-redis 2.0.0

An implementation of the HyperLogLog set cardinality estimation algorithm in Ruby using...

29.031 Descargas

ff-ruby-server-sdk 1.2.1

Harness is a feature management platform that helps teams to build better software and ...

17.038 Descargas

flux_capacitor 0.2.1

When you have some service that might not be able to handle a large transition of histo...

13.735 Descargas

apullo 0.2.0

A scanner for basic network fingerprints

13.617 Descargas

tanakai 1.7.3

Maintained fork of Kimurai, a modern web scraping framework written in Ruby and based o...

12.862 Descargas

minhash 0.0.1

Minhash algorithm implementation

9.180 Descargas

insert 0.0.3

Super simple way to insert rows into a database. Currently only supports postgres.

8.847 Descargas

hackle-ruby-sdk 1.0.0

Hackle SDK for Ruby

8.385 Descargas

absmartly-sdk 1.1.0

Absmartly gem

5.670 Descargas

plog-ruby 0.0.14

Send messages via UDP to the Plog Kafka forwarder.

4.261 Descargas

vwo-ruby-sdk 1.0.1

A Ruby SDK for VWO full-stack testing.

3.874 Descargas

segno 0.0.1

An implementation of the b bit MinHash algorithm in ruby

3.447 Descargas

Total de descargas 35.594.594

Para esta versión 8.861.104



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.1
