RubyGems Navigation menu

multi_xml 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 multi_xml

lbank 1.0.0 currency rates fetcher and converter

12,148 下載

barnesandnoble 0.3.0

A Ruby wrapper for Barnes and Noble Product Web Services

12,091 下載

yol_qy_weixin 0.0.9

Shop middleware for Weixin.

12,050 下載

fastlane_iac_publish 0.1.5

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

12,021 下載

whois_slacking 0.0.6

Pivotal/Slack integration that sends a (daily) message of how long each user has worked...

12,011 下載


Rack middleware for Weixin apps: message validation/parser/generator

11,654 下載

payture-ewallet 0.2.5

Ruby wrapper for Payture eWallet API

11,543 下載

hybridgroup-octokit 0.6.3

Simple wrapper for the GitHub API v2

11,486 下載

ruby-slideshare 0.1.7

Wrapper for the Slideshare API - NOTE: This is a fork of

11,116 下載

httsoiree 0.13.3

Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.

10,940 下載

ebay_request 0.2.0

eBay API request interface

10,914 下載

nyc_geo_client 2.0.0

A ruby wrapper for NYCGeoClient API

10,808 下載

cbs_sports 0.1.3

This gem is a Ruby wrapper around the CBSSports API

10,805 下載

yol_sso 0.0.7

Yolanda middleware for Message.

10,337 下載

datacash 0.1.0

This library provides an idiomatic interface to the DataCash gateway.

10,262 下載

super-mega-slideshare 0.1.2

Wrapper for the Slideshare API

10,256 下載

syobocalite 1.1.1

Lite client for Syoboi calendar

10,106 下載

zerigodns 1.1.0

Gem for interacting with the Zerigo DNS REST API.

9,928 下載

pinboard_api 1.0.0

A Ruby client for the API

9,908 下載

kokkai 0.2.0 client library, written in Ruby

9,706 下載

getvideo 0.0.6

get video

9,401 下載

rr_games_radar 1.0.4

Gem for interaction with the API of GamesRadar.

9,371 下載

omniauth-freshbooks 1.0.1

FreshBooks OAuth strategy for OmniAuth

9,254 下載

full_circle 0.3.0

Library for interfacing with the 360Directories API

9,209 下載

pivit 0.1.2

Pivit is a wrapper for the Pivotal Tracker API

9,001 下載

panjiva-oauth2 0.5.1

A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the original OA...

8,877 下載

omniauth-hyves 1.0.0

Hyves strategy for OmniAuth

8,184 下載

flickr_oauth 0.0.2

Flickr API adapter using OAuth

8,136 下載

kiik-api 0.1.9

A Gem for Kiik API

8,067 下載

XLiveServices 0.1.0

A library to consume Xbox LIVE and Games for Windows LIVE services.

8,026 下載

總下載次數 372,307,605

這個版本 1,843,824



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.1.2

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
