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mtdevise 7.1.0

MTDevise Rails 5.1 engine that adds multi-tenant basecamp style user logins (multi-tenant authetication using devise) to your ruby on rails application.




  1. 16.1.0 June 07, 2020 (25 KB)
  2. 16.0.0 February 17, 2018 (24.5 KB)
  3. 15.2.0 February 12, 2018 (24.5 KB)
  4. 15.1.0 January 27, 2018 (24.5 KB)
  5. 15.0.0 January 14, 2018 (24.5 KB)
  6. 7.1.0 September 13, 2017 (25 KB)
Show all versions (87 total)

Runtime Dependencies (33):

bootstrap-sass >= 3.3.7, ~> 3.3
carrierwave ~> 1.1
cloudinary >= 1.8.1, ~> 1.8
devise ~> 4.3
font-awesome-rails >=, ~> 4.7
friendly_id >= 5.2.1, ~> 5.2
gravtastic >= 3.2.6, ~> 3.2
houser ~> 2.0
jquery-rails >= 4.3.1, ~> 4.3
jquery-ui-rails >= 6.0.1, ~> 6.0
multi_json >= 1.12.2, ~> 1.12
oj >= 3.3.5, ~> 3.3
paper_trail >= 7.1.2, ~> 7.1
pg ~> 0.21.0
phcadmin1 ~> 11.1
phcadmin2 ~> 9.1
phcadmin3 ~> 6.1
phcnotifi ~> 7.1
phctheme1 ~> 16.1
phctheme2 ~> 6.1
phctitleseo ~> 8.1
rabl ~> 0.13.1
rails >= 5.1.4, ~> 5.1
responders ~> 2.4
sass-rails >= 5.0.6, ~> 5.0
simple_token_authentication >= 1.15.1, ~> 1.15
tinymce-rails >= 4.6.6, ~> 4.6
webpacker >= 3.0.1, ~> 3.0

Development Dependencies (14):

byebug ~> 9.1
capybara >= 2.15.1, ~> 2.15
database_cleaner >= 1.6.1, ~> 1.6
faker >= 1.8.4, ~> 1.8
launchy >= 2.4.3, ~> 2.4
letter_opener >= 1.4.1, ~> 1.4
minitest >= 5.10.3, ~> 5.10
nokogiri ~> 1.8
rspec-rails >= 3.6.1, ~> 3.6
selenium-webdriver >= 3.5.2, ~> 3.5
shoulda-matchers >= 3.1.2, ~> 3.1
simplecov ~> 0.15.1
sqlite3 >= 1.3.13, ~> 1.3



  • BradPotts

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 165,122

For this version 1,705

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
