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mongoid 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 mongoid

amistad 0.10.2

Extends your user model with friendships management methods

154,880 下载

abstractivator 0.20.0


154,797 下载

glebtv_mongoid_userstamp 0.10.0

Userstamp for creator and updater columns using Mongoid

153,233 下载

mongoid_userstamp 0.4.0

Userstamp for creator and updater columns using Mongoid

151,512 下载

web47core 3.2.20

Core components used in all our web products.

150,886 下载

mrpin-sdk 1.0.84

Mrpin sdk for backend development.

147,449 下载

rs_voteable_mongo 1.3.0

Add up / down voting ability to Mongoid documents. Optimized for speed by using only ON...

146,920 下载

kiqstand 1.1.0

Mongoid Middleware for Sidekiq

144,918 下载

mongoid-sadstory 0.0.2

This is a sad story - mongoid maintainers decided to drop support for multi paramter fi...

140,859 下载

active_repository 0.5.1

An implementation of repository pattern that can connect with any ORM

138,137 下载

mongoid-tags-arent-hard 1.1.5

A tagging gem for Mongoid 3 that doesn't actually suck.

132,350 下载

rocket_cms_mongoid_light 0.37.2

RocketCMS - Mongoid light metapackage

131,796 下载

jinda 0.8.0

Generate Rails workflow from mind map: Freemind

131,626 下载

yard-mongoid 0.1.0

Once yard-mongoid is installed, YARD will automatically load the plugin when ever the `...

123,984 下载

activity_feed 3.1.0

Activity feeds backed by Redis

120,860 下载

workarea-core 3.5.27

Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...

120,729 下载

mongoid_geospatial 3.1.0

Mongoid Extension that simplifies MongoDB casting and operations on spatial Ruby objects.

119,659 下载

mongoid-indifferent-access 1.0.0

A Mongoid Hash extension enabling 'indifferent access' so you can access keys using Str...

115,426 下载

mongoid_ability 3.0.2

Custom Ability class that allows CanCanCan authorization library store permissions in M...

111,694 下载

jobparser 0.15.1

A parser for Job sites

111,638 下载

xduration 3.0.0

Duration with support for longer time periods

110,224 下载

puffer 0.1.1

Admin interface builder

110,171 下载

divisio 0.2.1

Provides a splitting framework similar to AB testing

110,153 下载

mongoid-serializer 0.0.5

Adds some sane controller serialization support of your Mongoid models

109,741 下载

mongoid_spacial 0.2.17

mongoid_spacial simplifies spacial calculations. Adds integration into mongoid so pagin...

109,600 下载

stateflow 0.4.2

State machine that allows dynamic transitions for business workflows

108,736 下载

mongoid-multitenancy 2.0.5

MultiTenancy with Mongoid

108,447 下载

quality-measure-engine 3.2.0

A library for running clinical quality measures

107,084 下载

trogdir_models 0.19.0

A shared set of Mongoid models for the Trogdir directory project

105,246 下载

mongoid_alize 0.6.0

Keep data in sync as you denormalize across any type of relation.

103,215 下载

下载总量 40,991,004

这个版本 10,952




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.3.6
