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mongoid 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mongoid

mongoid_monkey 0.3.2

A collection of monkey patches for Mongoid containing feature backports, fixes, and for...

48,865 下載

mongoid_time_field 0.4.2

Time field (stored as integer with no date) for Mongoid

48,482 下載

vidibus-secure 4.0.1

Allows encryption and signing of requests and storing encrypted data within Mongoid doc...

48,451 下載

remarkable_mongoid 0.6.0

RSpec Matchers for Mongoid

47,493 下載

mongoid-userstamps 3.4.1

Userstamps for creator and updater fields using Mongoid

47,390 下載

traffic_mansion 0.0.19

Traffic Mansion campaign tracker client

46,773 下載

mongoid-list 0.6.0

Simple list behavior for Mongoid

46,729 下載

glebtv-mongoid_nested_set 0.8.0

Fully featured tree implementation for Mongoid using the nested set model

46,119 下載

mongoid-falsehoods 0.2.0

Mongo indexes do not handle querying by null values well. If we store them as false ins...

45,884 下載

mongoid-sphinx 0.1.4

A full text indexing extension for MongoDB using Sphinx and Mongoid.

45,275 下載

changeling 0.1.1

A simple, yet flexible solution to tracking changes made to objects in your database.

45,112 下載

tengine_core 1.2.2

tengine_core is a framework/engine to support distributed processing

44,765 下載

oauth2-provider 0.0.19

OAuth2 Provider, extracted from

44,574 下載

mongoid-report 0.2.2

Easily build mongoid reports using aggregation frameworkk

44,545 下載

csv_rails 0.7.0

The csv_rails gem provides a download csv file with rails.

44,544 下載

mongoid_optimistic_locking 0.0.4

Allows optimisitic locking for Mongoid models. See

43,919 下載

vidibus-uuid 1.0.0

Provides UUID generation for Mongoid models. It includes a validator for UUIDs.

43,889 下載

neofiles 2.2.0

Library for managing files: creating & storing, linking to file owners, serving files f...

43,876 下載

brick_layer 0.10.6

Content Management and Endpoint Rails Service Engine

43,766 下載

hit_counter 0.1.8

Why roast this chestnut by that open fire, you ask? Cause thousands and thousands of In...

42,925 下載

mongoid_acts_as_tree 0.2.0

Port of the old, venerable ActsAsTree with a bit of a twist

42,412 下載

mongoid_acts_as_tree 0.2.0

Port of the old, venerable ActsAsTree with a bit of a twist

42,412 下載

mongoid_socializer_actions 2.0.2

Like, comment, share mongoid documents.

42,269 下載

search_magic 0.3.0

Adds scopes to a Mongoid document providing search and sort capabilities on arbitrary f...

41,709 下載


A partial mongoid implementation of tagging based on/inspired by acts-as-taggable-on.

41,582 下載

vidibus-user 1.0.1

Provides a user model and tools to authenticate the current user.

41,359 下載

aerogel-core 1.4.12

Aerogel core module

41,189 下載

mongoid-collection-snapshot 1.3.2

Easy maintenence of collections of processed data in MongoDB with the Mongoid ODM.

40,966 下載

consyncful 0.9.0

Contentful to local database synchronisation for Rails

40,202 下載

mongoid_tree 0.3.7

Fully featured tree implementation for Mongoid using materialized paths and relative as...

39,952 下載

總下載次數 37,562,249

這個版本 29,641



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.3.6
