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mongoid 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mongoid

kiqstand 1.1.0

Mongoid Middleware for Sidekiq

144,636 下載

mongoid_userstamp 0.4.0

Userstamp for creator and updater columns using Mongoid

144,076 下載

mongoid-pagination 0.2.0

A simple pagination module for Mongoid

143,895 下載

mrpin-sdk 1.0.84

Mrpin sdk for backend development.

141,058 下載

web47core 3.2.2

Core components used in all our web products.

139,240 下載

active_repository 0.5.1

An implementation of repository pattern that can connect with any ORM

134,840 下載

rs_voteable_mongo 1.3.0

Add up / down voting ability to Mongoid documents. Optimized for speed by using only ON...

132,488 下載

mongoid-sadstory 0.0.2

This is a sad story - mongoid maintainers decided to drop support for multi paramter fi...

131,565 下載

mongoid-tags-arent-hard 1.1.5

A tagging gem for Mongoid 3 that doesn't actually suck.

129,612 下載

rocket_cms_mongoid_light 0.37.2

RocketCMS - Mongoid light metapackage

126,314 下載

jinda 0.8.0

Generate Rails workflow from mind map: Freemind

124,873 下載

activity_feed 3.1.0

Activity feeds backed by Redis

119,134 下載

mongoid_geospatial 3.1.0

Mongoid Extension that simplifies MongoDB casting and operations on spatial Ruby objects.

118,231 下載

rails-uploader 0.5.8

Rails HTML5 FileUpload helpers

116,784 下載

workarea-core 3.5.27

Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...

116,092 下載

mongoid_recurring 0.1.8

Recurring date time fields for Mongoid models.

115,443 下載

mongoid-indifferent-access 1.0.0

A Mongoid Hash extension enabling 'indifferent access' so you can access keys using Str...

113,153 下載

mongoid_ice_cube_extension 0.2.2

Mongoid field extension that serializes/deserializes IceCube Schedule and Rule objects.

112,269 下載

divisio 0.2.1

Provides a splitting framework similar to AB testing

109,851 下載

jobparser 0.15.1

A parser for Job sites

108,016 下載

mongoid_spacial 0.2.17

mongoid_spacial simplifies spacial calculations. Adds integration into mongoid so pagin...

107,787 下載

puffer 0.1.1

Admin interface builder

107,661 下載

mongoid_ability 3.0.2

Custom Ability class that allows CanCanCan authorization library store permissions in M...

107,494 下載

stateflow 0.4.2

State machine that allows dynamic transitions for business workflows

107,373 下載

xduration 3.0.0

Duration with support for longer time periods

106,577 下載

yard-mongoid 0.1.0

Once yard-mongoid is installed, YARD will automatically load the plugin when ever the `...

106,432 下載

quality-measure-engine 3.2.0

A library for running clinical quality measures

104,637 下載

mongoid-multitenancy 2.0.4

MultiTenancy with Mongoid

102,888 下載

trogdir_models 0.19.0

A shared set of Mongoid models for the Trogdir directory project

101,768 下載

mongoid_alize 0.6.0

Keep data in sync as you denormalize across any type of relation.

99,690 下載

總下載次數 37,432,126

這個版本 24,903



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.3.6
