mongoid-slug 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mongoid-slug
rocket_cms_mongoid 0.37.2
RocketCMS - Mongoid metapackage
304,604 下載
garner 0.5.3
Garner is a cache layer for Ruby and Rack applications, supporting model and instance b...
269,138 下載
rocket_cms_mongoid_light 0.37.2
RocketCMS - Mongoid light metapackage
131,944 下載
enjoy_cms_mongoid 0.4.1
EnjoyCMS - Mongoid metapackage
83,773 下載
mongoid-elasticsearch 0.10.0
Simple and easy integration of mongoid with the new elasticsearch gem
82,692 下載
mongoid_collection_snapshot 1.2.1
Easy maintenence of collections of processed data in MongoDB with the Mongoid ODM.
73,535 下載
ants 0.3.14
Collection of concerns and helpers for Rails + Mongoid + Character web development.
66,694 下載
mongoid-collection-snapshot 1.3.2
Easy maintenence of collections of processed data in MongoDB with the Mongoid ODM.
41,250 下載
Description of BlueberryCMS.
27,110 下載
hicube 0.0.11
Simple CMS
25,368 下載
HancockCMS - Mongoid metapackage
25,002 下載
wj-mongoid-elasticsearch 0.0.9
Simple and easy integration of mongoid with the new elasticsearch gem
14,286 下載
bongo 0.2.0
Rails engine for blogging using MongoDB.
12,329 下載