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mongo_mapper 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 mongo_mapper

solidstate 0.4.5

Minuscule state machine.

18,512 下载

mongo_sequence 1.0.1

Light-weight sequences for MongoDB, useful for auto-incrementing or counting. Works wi...

18,288 下载

loghandler 0.0.7

a demo process for handling log with eventmachine

17,799 下载

yoomee-acts_as_mongo_taggable 0.2.6

A ruby gem for acts_as_taggable to mongo

17,761 下载

periscope-mongo_mapper 2.1.0

Push your MongoMapper models' scopes up to the surface

17,652 下载

mongo_mapper-strict_keys 0.0.5

Mongo Mapper Strict Keys Plugin.

17,053 下载

mm_no_empties 0.0.5

MongoMapper plugin that prevents any fields responding to empty? from being persisted i...

16,624 下载

unique_generator 1.0.1

ActiveRecord, MongoMapper and general tools for generating unique values e.g. api keys ...

16,372 下载

mm_uses_no_id 0.0.5

MongoMapper plugin that removes ID field from EmbeddedDocuments

16,321 下载

taggregator 0.1.2

Adds tagging with context and aggregation of tags for MongoMapper. Adds weight and dist...

16,297 下载

Empact-mongo_session_store 1.1.5

Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid

16,157 下载

topprospect-delayed_job 2.0.9

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

16,123 下载

hunt 0.4

Really basic search for MongoMapper models.

15,751 下载

mm-tree 0.1.4

Tree structure for MongoMapper with rational number sorting

15,746 下载

mongo_mapper_tree 1.1.2

An Acts As Tree like implementation for MongoMapper based on mongo_mapper_acts_as_tree

15,359 下载

immunoscore_results_aggregator 0.1.0


15,290 下载

block_cache 0.1.0

uses mongo_mapper to cache block response strings. Use case: wrap your twitter api call...

14,896 下载

mongo_geo 1.0.0

A MongoMapper plugin that adds geospatial functionality

14,664 下载

mm-referenced-tree 0.2.0

Yet another tree plugin for MongoMapper, built with an array of reference numbers

14,461 下载

mm-concerns 1.2.0

A very simple mongomapper plugin that lets you organise your models into subdirectories

14,360 下载

mm-concerns 1.2.0

A very simple mongomapper plugin that lets you organise your models into subdirectories

14,360 下载

client_side_validations-mongo_mapper 0.11.0

MongoMapper Plugin for ClientSideValidaitons

14,259 下载

riot-mongo_mapper 0.1.0

A collection of assertion macros for testing MongoMapper with Riot

14,203 下载

openhood-simple_state_machine 3.0.0

Same as acts_as_state_machine but on multiple columns and with more strict validation, ...

14,045 下载

balloon 1.1.6

Ruby image upload libary

13,667 下载

mongomapper_id2 0.0.5

It is a MongoMapper's plugin to add auto incremented id in MongoMapper's documents.

13,332 下载

griddle 0.1.3

GridFS made simple...

12,868 下载

grape-tokeeo 0.0.3

Grape resources provides simple API token auth for grape in three different flavours.

12,760 下载


Ruby IMDB Parsing Library

12,437 下载

clortho 0.0.3

Clortho makes keyword and full-text search a breeze for MongoMapper users.

12,405 下载

下载总量 2,258,548

这个版本 62,791



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
