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Dépendances inversées pour mongo_mapper Latest version of the following gems require mongo_mapper

dimkiriyenko-kaminari 0.12.6

Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated pag...

12 254 Téléchargements

sinatra-mongomapper 1.0.2

You got your Ruby Mongo ODM mixed with my web framework!!!

12 078 Téléchargements

mm-files 0.0.3

FIX (describe your package)

11 830 Téléchargements

mm-search 0.0.3

FIX (describe your package)

11 795 Téléchargements

jmcnevin-delayed_job 2.0.6

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

11 733 Téléchargements

remarkable_mongo 0.1.4

Remarkable Matchers for MongoDB ORMs

11 596 Téléchargements

leifcr-mm-sluggable 0.2.8

MongoMapper Plugin to store a slugged version of of a field.

11 585 Téléchargements

permalinker 1.0.3

Generate permalink attributes on ActiveRecord, based on Permalink gem by Nando Vieira

11 261 Téléchargements

mm-friendable 1.1.0

A very simple mongomapper plugin to add friendship functionality to your application

11 214 Téléchargements

mongo-rack-session 0.0.3

A simple way to load your sessions from a MongoDB store

11 210 Téléchargements

jamieorc-joint 0.6.2

MongoMapper and GridFS joined in file upload love. Updates by Jamie for EmbeddedDocumen...

11 172 Téléchargements

mm-stripper 0.2.1

Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to strip whitespace from strings before validation.

11 141 Téléchargements


Machinist adapter for MongoMapper

11 098 Téléchargements

mm-voteable 1.2.0

A very simple mongomapper plugin to add vote up/down superpowers to your models

11 058 Téléchargements

mongomapper_search 0.1.1

Simple full text search for MongoMapper ODM

10 780 Téléchargements

mm_to_view_model 0.1.2

`mm_to_view_model` is a `MongoMapper` plugin that adds a `to_view_model` class and inst...

10 669 Téléchargements

zhaorong-mm-sluggable 0.0.3

Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to cache a slugged version of a field

10 575 Téléchargements

mongomapper-versioned 0.0.3

A MongoMapper extension adding Versioning

10 549 Téléchargements

saver 0.1.0

Save a string version of columns automatically

10 480 Téléchargements

mongo_likeable 0.0.3

Mongo Followable adds like/dislike feature to mongoid/mongo_mapper

10 428 Téléchargements

activeadmin-mongomapper 0.0.1

ActiveAdmin hacks to support mongomapper (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)

10 292 Téléchargements

taskbot 0.1.2

Simple to-do lists implemented as an IRC robot

10 274 Téléchargements

frisky_mongo 0.7.7

A mongodb backend for frisky data models

10 192 Téléchargements

mongomapper-sweatshop 0.0.3

MongoMapper plugin for generating fixtures

9 920 Téléchargements

webminer 0.0.2

use in conjunction with, run rails r script/webminer_s...

9 906 Téléchargements

mm-paranoid 0.2.0

Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to set deleted_at instead of actually deleting the record.

8 939 Téléchargements

cloudq 0.0.8

The Cloudq Framework makes it easy to build remote job queue servers

8 850 Téléchargements

deadbolt 0.1.2

Very basic user model as a MongoMapper plugin

8 572 Téléchargements

deadbolt 0.1.2

Very basic user model as a MongoMapper plugin

8 572 Téléchargements

mongo_mapper_diagram 0.0.3

Diagram generator for MongoMapper

8 514 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 2 280 164

Pour cette version 76 000



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
