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Dependencias inversas para mongo_mapper La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mongo_mapper

delayed_job_mongo_mapper 1.0.0

MongoMapper backend for delayed_job

6.435 Descargas

leifcr-mongrations 0.1.7

Mongrations aims to be similar to ActiveRecord's data migrations, except instead of wor...

6.160 Descargas

vines-mongomapper 0.1.1

Stores Vines user data in MongoMapper.

5.976 Descargas

byul 0.0.0

twitter data search library

5.844 Descargas

delayed-job-ajaycb 2.0.10

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

5.671 Descargas

bipolar 0.1.0

MongoMapper plugin for first-class documents that can also be embedded

5.572 Descargas

mongomapper_autokey 0.0.2

Auto increment for MongoMapper

5.369 Descargas

mm-nested-attributes 0.1.0

A port of ActiveRecord's nested attributes functionality for MongoMapper.

5.252 Descargas

admincredible 0.0.1

Communicates with com_admincredible, a Joomla! extension that adds REST like APIs to Jo...

5.213 Descargas

congo 0.1.1

Library to define flexible schemas for mongodb documents.

5.159 Descargas


DelayedJob for use form within a Merb application

5.121 Descargas

gscalzo-mongo_session_store 1.1.3

Rails session store class implemented for MongoMapper and Mongoid

4.969 Descargas

mongo_tagger 0.1.0

MongoTagger, a tagging plugin for MongoMapper

4.837 Descargas

machinist2_mongomapper 0.0.2

does what the summary says

4.819 Descargas

opsb-delayed_job 2.0.3

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

4.736 Descargas

mm-embeddable 0.0.1

For query minimization purposes in MongoDB it is useful to provide a few key properties...

4.729 Descargas

merb_mongomapper 0.1.7

Merb ORM plugin that provides support for MongoMapper Models

4.713 Descargas

ippy04-remarkable_mongo 0.1.3

Remarkable Matchers for MongoDB ORMs

4.699 Descargas

mongomapper-search 0.0.1

Easily integreate mongo mapper with enterprise search like solr

4.618 Descargas

samlown-carrierwave 0.4.5

* RDoc Documentation {available at Rubyforge}[]. *...

4.567 Descargas

mongo_tree 0.1.0

A MongoMapper plugin that adds a number of tree strategies.

4.561 Descargas

mongojob 0.0.1

MongoJob is a MongoDB-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing tho...

4.561 Descargas

mongomapper-archive 0.0.1

Add simple archive / soft delete functionality to your MongoMapper models.

4.554 Descargas

mm-custom-functions 0.1.0

Easily manage custom MongoDB functions with MongoMapper

4.534 Descargas

yetanothernguyen-delayed_job 0.0.1

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

4.374 Descargas

mm_sortable_item 0.0.1

Tiny MongoMapper plugin for treating a collection as a list

4.372 Descargas

clot 1.1

Extensions for solidifying Liquid Templates

4.359 Descargas

roles_for_mm 0.1.0

Faciliatates adding a role strategy to your Mongo Mapper user model

4.347 Descargas

mm-transitions 1.0.0

a simple mongomapper plugin to add a full featured state machine to your models

4.299 Descargas

mongo_translatable 0.1.0

Rails specific I18n model localization meant to tie-in to existing ActiveRecord models,...

4.284 Descargas

Total de descargas 2.300.427

Para esta versión 91.129



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
