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Dependencias inversas para mongo_mapper La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mongo_mapper

dimkiriyenko-kaminari 0.12.6

Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated pag...

12.304 Descargas

sinatra-mongomapper 1.0.2

You got your Ruby Mongo ODM mixed with my web framework!!!

12.124 Descargas

mm-files 0.0.3

FIX (describe your package)

11.885 Descargas

mm-search 0.0.3

FIX (describe your package)

11.850 Descargas

jmcnevin-delayed_job 2.0.6

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

11.780 Descargas

leifcr-mm-sluggable 0.2.8

MongoMapper Plugin to store a slugged version of of a field.

11.652 Descargas

remarkable_mongo 0.1.4

Remarkable Matchers for MongoDB ORMs

11.639 Descargas

permalinker 1.0.3

Generate permalink attributes on ActiveRecord, based on Permalink gem by Nando Vieira

11.321 Descargas

mm-friendable 1.1.0

A very simple mongomapper plugin to add friendship functionality to your application

11.267 Descargas

mongo-rack-session 0.0.3

A simple way to load your sessions from a MongoDB store

11.262 Descargas

jamieorc-joint 0.6.2

MongoMapper and GridFS joined in file upload love. Updates by Jamie for EmbeddedDocumen...

11.228 Descargas

mm-stripper 0.2.1

Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to strip whitespace from strings before validation.

11.192 Descargas


Machinist adapter for MongoMapper

11.142 Descargas

mm-voteable 1.2.0

A very simple mongomapper plugin to add vote up/down superpowers to your models

11.106 Descargas

mongomapper_search 0.1.1

Simple full text search for MongoMapper ODM

10.831 Descargas

mm_to_view_model 0.1.2

`mm_to_view_model` is a `MongoMapper` plugin that adds a `to_view_model` class and inst...

10.723 Descargas

zhaorong-mm-sluggable 0.0.3

Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to cache a slugged version of a field

10.623 Descargas

mongomapper-versioned 0.0.3

A MongoMapper extension adding Versioning

10.601 Descargas

saver 0.1.0

Save a string version of columns automatically

10.528 Descargas

mongo_likeable 0.0.3

Mongo Followable adds like/dislike feature to mongoid/mongo_mapper

10.481 Descargas

taskbot 0.1.2

Simple to-do lists implemented as an IRC robot

10.324 Descargas

activeadmin-mongomapper 0.0.1

ActiveAdmin hacks to support mongomapper (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)

10.316 Descargas

frisky_mongo 0.7.7

A mongodb backend for frisky data models

10.242 Descargas

mongomapper-sweatshop 0.0.3

MongoMapper plugin for generating fixtures

9.972 Descargas

webminer 0.0.2

use in conjunction with, run rails r script/webminer_s...

9.951 Descargas

mm-paranoid 0.2.0

Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to set deleted_at instead of actually deleting the record.

8.972 Descargas

cloudq 0.0.8

The Cloudq Framework makes it easy to build remote job queue servers

8.887 Descargas

deadbolt 0.1.2

Very basic user model as a MongoMapper plugin

8.614 Descargas

deadbolt 0.1.2

Very basic user model as a MongoMapper plugin

8.614 Descargas

mongo_mapper_diagram 0.0.3

Diagram generator for MongoMapper

8.565 Descargas

Total de descargas 2.295.484

Para esta versión 86.987



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
