Dependencias inversas para money La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren money
killbill-litle 5.0.0
Kill Bill payment plugin for Litle & Co.
111.695 Descargas
mws-orders 0.6.1
A Ruby interface to the Amazon MWS Orders API, built on Peddler
108.321 Descargas
google4r-checkout 1.2.0
google4r-checkout is a lightweight, framework-agnostic Ruby library to access the Googl...
107.126 Descargas
PipedrivePUT 1.2.3
Pipedrive gem support for activites, activity-types, deals, deal fields,organizations, ...
106.047 Descargas
iugusdk 1.0.11
SDK for Iugu Platform Applications
104.071 Descargas
russian_central_bank 1.1.3
RussianCentralBank extends Money::Bank::VariableExchange and gives you access to the Ce...
99.056 Descargas
killbill-payment-test 6.0.0
Kill Bill Plugin to test the payment plugin api.
97.715 Descargas
mongoid_money_field 7.3.1
Use RubyMoney with mongoid
97.678 Descargas
historical-bank 0.1.7
A `Money::Bank::Base` with historical exchange rates
87.353 Descargas
field_mapper 0.4.5
Data mapping & transformation
85.057 Descargas
nimbleshop_paypalwp 0.0.23
Provides Paypal web payments standard support to nimbleshop
84.380 Descargas
exchange-rates 0.0.9
Easy to setup exchange rate into your awesome Rails application.
83.499 Descargas
acts_as_money 0.2.6
A fairly trivial plugin allowing easy serialisation of Money values (from the money gem...
83.163 Descargas
safai 0.0.28
A simple hello world gem
83.043 Descargas
fletcher 0.6.9
Easily fetch product information from third party websites such as Amazon, Steam, eBay,...
82.635 Descargas
omni_exchange 3.0.0
OmniExchange converts currencies using up-to-the-minute foreign exchange rates.
82.171 Descargas
tangocard 7.0.3
Tango Card provides a RaaS API for developers (
79.351 Descargas
iex-ruby-client 2.1.0
IEX Finance API Ruby client with support for retrieving stock quotes.
79.039 Descargas
friendly_shipping 0.10.1
Allows you to quote or ship a Physical::Shipment object
78.910 Descargas
api_banking 0.1.33
Ruby SDK to Connect to Banks
77.836 Descargas
quicktravel_client 4.7.0
For integrating with QuickTravel API
77.071 Descargas
administrate-field-money 0.3.0
A plugin to deal with money in Administrate
75.892 Descargas
fixer_currency 3.4.3
FixerCurrency extends Money::Bank::Base and gives you access to the current
72.418 Descargas
a2z 0.1.3
Ruby DSL for Amazon Product Advertising API
72.296 Descargas
money-heuristics 0.1.1
This is a module for heuristic analysis of the string input for the money gem. It was f...
70.100 Descargas
killbill-cybersource 5.2.7
Kill Bill payment plugin for Cybersource.
69.173 Descargas
instant_quote 1.7.34
Instant quote providers gem.
67.755 Descargas
activepayment 1.0.0
ActivePayment is an abstraction layer for different Payment-Interfaces (XML, JSON)
65.042 Descargas
hashie-model 1.4.2
Hashie2 + ActiveModel 3, offering declared properties, validations, JSON serialization/...
61.678 Descargas
mad_cart 0.1.7
Provides a unified api for various e-commerce merchants.
61.491 Descargas