Dependencias inversas para modular-scale La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren modular-scale
rbbt-rest 2.0.1
Basic web app controllers and templates
621.818 Descargas
compass-aura 0.3.1
Responsive Framework utilizing Susy and Modular Scale.
64.845 Descargas
survivalkit 0.3.4
The Coding Designer's Survival Kit - tools for designing websites in the browser.
64.832 Descargas
sb-styleguide 1.2.2
43.218 Descargas
singularity-extras 1.0.0
Advanced responsive grid system for Sass and Compass
32.502 Descargas
responsive-modular-scale 0.2.1
Responsive enhancements for the Sass modular scale.
13.924 Descargas
plinth 0.0.1.beta.4
Plinth - basic framework
11.225 Descargas
cimma 0.1.2
Cimma is an attractive collection of baseline CSS styles, somewhere between Normalize a...
7.006 Descargas
typeup 0.1.1
A Compass extension for quick typesetting
6.817 Descargas
toppings-modular_scale 0.0.2
This gem provides a simple default for a toppings modular scale setup
6.487 Descargas
middleman-gumby 0.0.1
Adds Gumby to a Middleman project.
3.789 Descargas
gumby_on_rails 0.0.1
Rails Engine that provides all the Gumby Framework features to a rails application.
3.723 Descargas