RubyGems Navigation menu

mocha 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mocha

bcp47_spec 0.2.1

A subset of the BCP 47 spec.

504,404 下載

nsa 0.3.0

Listen to your Rails ActiveSupport::Notifications and deliver to a Statsd compatible ba...

496,092 下載

azure-storage-file 2.0.4

Microsoft Azure Storage File Client Library for Ruby

492,636 下載

static_model 1.1.0

StaticModel provides a Base class much like ActiveRecord which supports reading from a ...

492,044 下載

mini_scheduler 0.16.0

Adds recurring jobs for Sidekiq

487,285 下載

azure-storage-queue 2.0.4

Microsoft Azure Storage Queue Client Library for Ruby

485,002 下載

graphite-api 1.1.1

Graphite API - A Simple ruby client, aggregator daemon and API tools

483,876 下載

activerecord-mysql2rgeo-adapter 7.0.1

ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL. It is based on the stock MySQL adapter, and ...

481,676 下載

suspenders 20240516.0

Suspenders is a Rails plugin containing generators for configuring Rails applications. ...

471,799 下載

brhelper 3.3.0

brhelper é uma das gems que compoem o Brazilian Rails

469,343 下載

quality 40.0.1

Quality is a tool that runs quality checks on your code using community tools, and make...

467,956 下載

resque-throttler 0.1.5

Rate limit how many times a job can be run from a queue

467,398 下載

brdata 3.3.0

brdata é uma das gems que compoem o Brazilian Rails

467,245 下載

dashing 1.3.7

This framework lets you build & easily layout dashboards with your own custom widge...

464,919 下載

apipie-bindings 0.6.0

Bindings for API calls that are documented with Apipie. Bindings are generated on the fly.

464,485 下載

puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.7 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

463,358 下載

progressrus 1.0.3

Monitor the progress of remote, long-running jobs.

459,907 下載

sendwithus_ruby_action_mailer 1.0.0

A convenient way to use the Send With Us email service with a Ruby on Rails app. Se...

458,730 下載

open_gem 1.5.0

Open a gem's source directory with either the default editor, or a specified command.

457,864 下載

capistrano_multiconfig_parallel 2.8.1

CapistranoMulticonfigParallel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to run mu...

457,089 下載

validators 3.4.2

Add some nice ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validators.

448,278 下載

clean_pagination 1.0.0

API pagination the way RFC2616 intended it

443,960 下載

rotoscope 0.3.0

High-performance logger of Ruby method invocations

436,755 下載

blather 2.0.0

An XMPP DSL for Ruby written on top of EventMachine and Nokogiri

432,573 下載

console1984 0.2.0

Your Rails console, 1984 style

431,640 下載

time_bandits 0.14.1

Rails Completed Line on Steroids

428,101 下載

chef-handler-sns 2.1.0

Chef report handler to send Amazon SNS notifications on failures or changes, includes I...

426,043 下載

mls 1.9.0

Ruby library for integrating with the 42Floors MLS

425,913 下載

geokit-rails3 0.1.5

Port of the Rails plugin "geokit-rails" to Rails 3, as a gem

419,194 下載

mailchimp 0.0.9

This provides Ruby access to (eventually) all of Mailchimp's APIs

418,234 下載

總下載次數 63,825,353

這個版本 162,166


MIT, BSD-2-Clause

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.1
