RubyGems Navigation menu

mocha 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mocha

actionmailer_inline_css 1.6.0

Module for ActionMailer to improve the rendering of HTML emails by using the 'premailer...

685,208 下載

ginjo-omniauth-slack 2.5.0

OmniAuth strategy for Slack

684,874 下載

spreedly 2.0.28

The Spreedly gem provides a convenient Ruby wrapper for the Spreedly API.

684,148 下載

verdict 0.16.1

Shopify Experiments classes

679,639 下載

statsample 2.1.0

A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1...

668,002 下載

hawk-auth 0.2.5

Ruby implementation of Hawk

655,854 下載

win32console 1.3.2

Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interface...

652,889 下載

win32console 1.3.2

Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interface...

652,889 下載

win32console 1.3.2

Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interface...

652,889 下載

active_fulfillment 3.2.11

Framework and tools for dealing with shipping, tracking and order fulfillment services.

652,589 下載

active_model-better_errors 1.6.7

API consumable error messages with ActiveModel::Errors drop-in compatibility.

644,786 下載

server_metrics 1.2.18

Collect information about disks, memory, CPU, networks, and processes

639,014 下載

deep_clonable 1.2.0

Add support for deep cloning to objects

632,613 下載

rubber 3.2.2

The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ...

628,931 下載

deferrable 0.2.0

Simple mechanism for deferred execution of a block

610,253 下載

mail_interceptor 0.0.7

Intercepts and forwards emails in non production environment

598,103 下載

twine 1.1.3

Twine is a command line tool for managing your strings and their translations. It is...

597,727 下載

nokogiri-plist 0.5.0

Allows Nokogiri objects to be converted to PLists

594,841 下載

bitly-oauth 0.2.3

A ruby wrapper for version 3 of the API Supports OAuth authentication

590,351 下載

rake_commit 1.4.0


583,344 下載

vedeu 0.8.32

A framework for building GUI/TUI terminal/console applications.

581,131 下載

keynote 1.1.1

A presenter is an object that encapsulates view logic. Like Rails helpers, presenters h...

549,354 下載


A Ruby version of the Rackspace Cloud Files API.

540,560 下載

brcep 3.3.0

brcep é uma das gems que compoem o Brazilian Rails

534,794 下載

minitest-vcr 1.4.0

I like MiniTest. I like VCR. I like not having to manage cassetes.

531,870 下載

intacct_ruby 2.0.0

Allows for multi-function API calls, the addition of custom fields, and more. All in an...

522,722 下載

jnunemaker-validatable 1.8.4

Validatable is a library for adding validations.

519,909 下載

aitch 2.0.0

A simple HTTP client

512,305 下載

guard-rack 2.2.1

Automatically reloads your Rack based app on file change using Guard.

507,394 下載

vertica 1.0.3

Query Vertica with ruby

504,918 下載

總下載次數 63,788,974

這個版本 149,684


MIT, BSD-2-Clause

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.1
