mixlib-config 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 mixlib-config
ohai 19.0.3
Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON
66,752,215 下载
chef-config 18.6.2
Chef Infra's default configuration and config loading library
48,365,579 下载
berkshelf 8.0.15
Manages a Chef cookbook's dependencies
7,799,907 下载
mdl 0.13.0
Style checker/lint tool for markdown files
5,117,143 下载
license_scout 2.6.10
Discovers license files of a project's dependencies.
4,377,728 下载
sensu-cli 0.11.0
A command line utility for interacting with the Sensu api.
476,592 下载
megam_api 1.52.6
Ruby Client for the Megam vertice. Performs REST calls to Vertice Gateway - http://git...
467,961 下载
fluent-plugin-td-monitoring 1.0.0
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
227,620 下载
cucumber-chef 3.0.8
Framework for test-driven infrastructure development.
155,905 下载
microwave 11.400.8
A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
122,933 下载
spiceweasel 2.8.0
Provides a CLI tool for generating knife commands to build Chef-managed infrastructure ...
97,150 下载
knife-chop 0.12.18
Knife plugin to assist with the upload and sync of Chef server assets like roles, envir...
86,803 下载
chef-apply 0.9.6
Ad-hoc management of individual nodes and devices.
79,491 下载
knife-softlayer 0.4.7
A knife plugin for launching and bootstrapping instances in the IBM SoftLayer cloud.
73,007 下载
beanstalk-worker 0.1.7
Beanstalkd Worker base class
56,620 下载
chef-deployment-monitor 1.3.0
Chef Monitoring tool to monitor all changes made
51,347 下载
mdspell 0.2.0
Check markdown files for spelling errors.
48,299 下载
wicoris-postman 0.13.0
Deliver letters from WiCoRIS
46,112 下载
taste_tester 0.0.19
Utility for testing Chef changes using chef-zero
44,812 下载
anvil-core 0.6.0
Anvil is a tool for building tools.
41,450 下载
calamum 1.2.2
REST API documentation generator
40,449 下载
doorkeeper_sso_client 0.4.10
Provides SSO auth functionality based on Omniauth
39,857 下载
pylon 0.2.8
leader election with zeromq for ruby using widely available leader election algorithms,...
39,505 下载
small_wonder 0.1.10
A Deployment Tool
32,456 下载
ronin-wrapper 0.1.3
A wrapper to enable masterless configuration management, using Chef and/or Puppet.
28,983 下载
api_sketch 0.1.9
Gem provides DSL for API documentation generation and API request examples server
27,252 下载
nugget 0.0.11
a http and tcp testing service
26,597 下载
grocery_delivery 0.0.9
Utility for keeping Chef servers in sync with a repo
23,362 下载
gaff 0.3.6
cloud api's via amqp and json'
21,370 下载
knife-container 0.2.4
Container support for Chef's Knife Command
18,064 下载