RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for minitest-vcr Latest version of the following gems require minitest-vcr

miasma-aws 0.3.30

Smoggy AWS API

1,157,172 下載

miasma-azure 0.1.4

Smoggy Azure API

761,303 下載

lit 1.1.6

Translate your apps with pleasure (sort of...) and for free. It's si...

228,508 下載

fluent-plugin-kubernetes 0.3.1

Output filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

180,774 下載

restforce-db 4.1.1

This gem provides two-way bindings between Salesforce records and records in an Act...

163,865 下載

ebsco-eds 1.1.5

Description: EBSCO EDS API

111,779 下載

google_play_search 0.0.25

google play market search gem

70,247 下載

firehose_integration 0.0.5

An easy way to get your data sent to Amazon Firehose

47,236 下載

arena 0.1.3

Wrapper for Arena's API

41,828 下載

borrow_direct 1.2.0

Ruby tools for interacting with the Borrow Direct consortial services

41,378 下載

redminerb 0.8.4

Redminerb is a command-line tool to speak with a Redmine server using its REST API.

40,626 下載

softlayer 0.0.17

SoftLayer API Client using SOAP protocoal, supporting all services and models

36,495 下載

passworks 2.0.7

Provides a simple interface to Passworks API

25,914 下載

color_cat 0.0.9

Takes a url to an external image gives dominant color name and category

25,713 下載

mvg-live 2.3.0

A CLI and ruby client for, the real-time interface to Munich's public trans...

18,722 下載

mediumize 0.4.3

Turn your markdown style blog posts from Jekyll, middleman and others to Medium posts a...

17,199 下載

thegamesdb 2.1.1

Ruby Client for TheGamesDB API ( See for usage

15,738 下載

payture_ruby 0.0.4


14,935 下載

crunchbase-api 0.3.0

Wrapper for Crunchbase API v2

14,192 下載

comicvine-mongo 0.1.6

Allows saving of comicvine resources to a Mongodb using Mongoid

13,921 下載

twfy 1.1.1

Ruby library to interface with the TheyWorkForYou API.

12,444 下載

smartring 0.0.7

Ferry documents to be translated from the Salesforce Knowledge Base to Smartling, and b...

10,664 下載

comicvine 0.1.4

Interface to ComicVine API

8,347 下載

activerequest 0.1.2

ActiveRequest is a gem to help monolithic projects turn into micro services.

7,541 下載

mixtape 0.0.3

Curated music playlists directly to your browser

7,390 下載

fluent-plugin-rancher 0.1.0

Output filter plugin to add rancher metadata

6,834 下載

payture-api-v1 0.2.0

This library provides a wrapper to Version 1 of the Payture API

5,275 下載

rowling 0.0.3

A simple Ruby wrapper for accessing USA Today bestseller data.

5,166 下載

sfkb 0.1.3

A Ruby library (based on Restforce) for working with the Salesforce Knowledge Base.

5,062 下載

kvv-liveapi 0.0.2

A simple adapter to query the KVV API (Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund - Karlsruhe Transport...

3,683 下載

總下載次數 529,452

這個版本 468,217



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
