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minitest-reporters 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-reporters

odania_omniauth_authentication 0.0.2

The Odania Portal is an open source portal system with strong focus on the usage on dif...

5,936 下载

snipmate_to_yas 0.2.1

Convert snippets from Vim Snipmate to Emacs YASnippet

5,932 下载

fake_data 1.0.1

Universal random data generator. Supports String, Array, Hash, repeat and maybe on part...

5,921 下载

gerablog 0.2.2

Write posts in Markdown, publish a static blog in HTML

5,917 下载

git-sprint 0.1.2

a git plugin for sprint related commands

5,875 下载

veri_trans 0.1.2

A Ruby wrapper library for veritrans Air Direct API

5,865 下载

apportion 0.0.2

Ruby implementation for apportionment

5,856 下载

koine-di 1.0.0

Koine DI, for your dependency injection. Dependency injection container

5,851 下载

gravity_falls_message 0.0.2

A gem to encode and decode messages using the ciphers as presented on Disney XD's show ...

5,849 下载

pico 0.1.0

A very light weight framework for ruby designed to handle a small number of details com...

5,848 下载

superintendent 0.0.1

Middlewares to aid in building powerful JSON API applications.

5,841 下载

pipeline_core 0.0.3

Core pipeline functionality

5,821 下载

cli-pasta 2.0.1

Handle Ctrl-C and broken-pipe errors gracefully in Ruby command-line tools

5,805 下载

bank-account-statement 1.0.0

Bank account statement format transformation (HTML to OFX).

5,780 下载

depcon 0.1.2


5,777 下载

mariko 0.9.1

Mariko keep listening a directory for new compacted images (manga) to convert in a kind...

5,765 下载

latexml-ruby 0.0.2

The wrapper automates LaTeX to HTML5 conversions with LaTeXML, addressing common produc...

5,743 下载

joya 0.1.12

Clone gems from a specified author with `joya rubygems_username`

5,739 下载

xmodem 0.1.1

A simple gem for XMODEM client and server application. Forked from modem_protocols and ...

5,711 下载

berg 1.0.0

Find paths and values in complex Ruby hashes – much like css selectors

5,697 下载

pre-commit-gpg 1.0.0

GPG verification plugin for jish/pre-commit

5,590 下载

upwords 0.2.1

Command-line version of the Upwords boardgame. Upwords is similar to Scrabble, except y...

5,574 下载

vcs4sql 0.1.1

In the last few years, version control for database became best practice. There are sev...

5,557 下载

inspec-reporter-json-hdf 1.1.1

InSpec Reporter plugin to report HDF formated JSON to be used with Heimdall.

5,553 下载

standardstorage 1.0.2

A simple API for multiple storage backends like B2, S3, and the FileSystem

5,544 下载

pepito-slack 0.0.2

Integrate Pepito with you slack team

5,529 下载

kxi 1.0.2

A collection of classes to help with development of Ruby applications

5,491 下载

xcode_server 0.1.1

Xcode Bot client

5,486 下载

prolog-services-replace_content 0.1.3

Replaces HTML within a specified range with HTML replacement content.

5,473 下载

thyng 0.1.0

Create Ruby objects with public state to encourage their storage as data only collectio...

5,463 下载

下载总量 36,125,725

这个版本 637,301




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
