mimic 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mimic
tddium 1.25.5
Solano CI runs your test suite simply and quickly in our managed cloud environment. Yo...
541,270 下載
zold 0.31.10
In the last few years digital currencies have successfully demonstrated their ability t...
518,438 下載
solano 1.31.11
Predix CI runs your test suite simply and quickly in our managed cloud environment. Yo...
338,044 下載
antilles 0.1.4
Antilles uses Mimic to set up a stub HTTP server that a CLI tool being tested with cucu...
76,076 下載
em-net-http 0.3.10
Monkeypatching Net::HTTP to use em-http-request under the hood.
72,135 下載
dm-restful-adapter 0.0.7
Modular adapter for datamapper to access remote resources restfully
50,406 下載
budurl 0.0.1
Supported operations include shrinking, expanding, and counting clicks.
35,506 下載
telesignature 0.0.11
Client gem for Telesign REST API
31,414 下載
comptroller 0.0.8
Client gem for accessing the duxtape api
29,010 下載
bastille 0.0.3
KV Storage As a Service, LOLz
28,022 下載
github-downloads 0.1.3
Manages downloads for your Github projects
15,655 下載
freeagent 0.2.0
Ruby client for the FreeAgent API.
8,642 下載
em-net-http-npn47 0.1.1
Monkeypatching Net::HTTP to use em-http-request under the hood.
7,827 下載
voice_id 0.1.2
Exposes easy-to-use methods to work with Microsoft's Speach Recognition API and identif...
6,781 下載
telesign_lib 0.0.13
Library for comunication with TeleSign REST API
5,470 下載