memery 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 memery
table_sync 6.6.1
DB Table synchronization between microservices based on Model's event system and Rabbit...
336,982 下載
umbrellio-utils 1.6.1
UmbrellioUtils is collection of utility classes and helpers
48,175 下載
pg_objects 1.4.0
Simple manager for PostgreSQL objects like triggers and functions
39,087 下載
the_schema_is 0.0.6
Annotating ActiveRecord models with lists of columns defined through DSL and checked wi...
21,760 下載
amber_component 1.2.0
A simple component library which seamlessly hooks into your Rails project and allows yo...
5,174 下載
steel_wheel 0.6.1
Tiny DSL for code in controllers
3,829 下載
adjustable_schema 0.9.0
Rails Engine to allow ActiveRecord associations be set up in the DB instead of being ha...
2,760 下載
gloo_ingress_adapter 0.1.0
This controller allows to integrate routes created from ingresses into a normal (non-in...
1,479 下載
kubezilla 0.1.0
Watches for image updates and automatically deploys new versions.
635 下載
magic-lookup 0.2.0
Find a related class for an object (ex., a decorator, a presenter, a controller, or wha...
571 下載
ruble 0.0.3.alpha
RuBLE is a ruby interface to the SimpleBLE library, providing a cross-platform DSL for ...
284 下載
cafeznik 0.5.5
A CLI tool for copying files to your clipboard en masse, from a local directory or a Gi...
142 下載