RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour lru_redux Latest version of the following gems require lru_redux

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter 3.5.0

Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

104 305 074 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-geoip-filter 1.0.0

Fluentd filter plugin to add geoip

10 552 497 Téléchargements

logstash-filter-dns 3.2.0

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

6 443 211 Téléchargements

splitclient-rb 8.4.0

Ruby client for using split SDK.

4 311 620 Téléchargements

splitclient-rb 8.4.0

Ruby client for using split SDK.

4 311 620 Téléchargements

logstash-integration-jdbc 5.4.11

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

3 444 715 Téléchargements

logstash-filter-jdbc_streaming 1.0.10

This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

3 210 313 Téléchargements

boxr 1.21.0

A Ruby client library for the Box V2 Content API.

2 666 076 Téléchargements

engtagger 0.4.1

A Ruby port of Perl Lingua::EN::Tagger, a probability based, corpus-trained tagger that...

2 237 767 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-ua-parser 1.2.0

Fluentd filter plugin to parse user-agent

1 097 734 Téléchargements

aws-flow 3.1.0

Library to provide the AWS Flow Framework for Ruby

752 292 Téléchargements

IPinfo 2.2.1

This is a ruby wrapper for

692 904 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-docker_metadata_filter 0.1.3

Filter plugin to add Docker metadata

359 315 Téléchargements

stitches 5.0.0

You'll be in stitches at how easy it is to create a service at Stitch Fix

151 528 Téléchargements

logstash-filter-memoize 1.0.0

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

125 169 Téléchargements

logstash-codec-sflow 2.1.3

This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

121 620 Téléchargements

tailwind_merge 0.12.0

Utility function to efficiently merge Tailwind CSS classes without style conflicts.

101 894 Téléchargements

cryptoexchange 0.27.0

Ruby library to query market data from cryptocurrency exchanges.

95 425 Téléchargements

ruby-ethereum 0.10.0

Ethereum's implementation in ruby.

72 835 Téléchargements

gemstash 2.7.1

Gemstash acts as a local RubyGems server, caching copies of gems from auto...

67 271 Téléchargements

gemstash 2.7.1

Gemstash acts as a local RubyGems server, caching copies of gems from auto...

67 271 Téléchargements

glebtv-httpclient 3.3.0

Fork of httpclient with some fixes and patches I needed.

66 474 Téléchargements

lenjador 2.3.1

It's lenjadoric

64 061 Téléchargements

keratin-authn 1.0.4

Client gem for keratin/authn service.

61 503 Téléchargements

logasm 1.2.1

It's logasmic

61 179 Téléchargements

servel 0.33.0

Serves files and directories over HTTP.

51 569 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-ecs-metadata-filter 0.2.0

Filter plugin to add AWS ECS metadata to fluentd events

43 047 Téléchargements

js_render 0.7.0

Render JavaScript components on the server side with Ruby.

42 646 Téléchargements

aerogel-core 1.4.12

Aerogel core module

41 133 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-mesosphere-filter 0.2.0

Filter plugin to add Mesosphere metadata

38 845 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 45 062 640

Pour cette version 43 585 665



Version de Ruby requise: >= 1.9.3
