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lookout 2.3.0

Lookout Lookout is a lightweight unit testing framework. Tests (expectations) can be written as follows expect 2 do 1 + 1 end expect NoMethodError do Object.invalid_method_call \ end Lookout is designed to encourage – force, even – unit testing best practices such as • Setting up only one expectation per test • Not setting expectations on non-public APIs • Test isolation This is done by • Only allowing one expectation to be set per test • Providing no (additonal) way of accessing private state • Providing no setup and teardown methods, nor a method of providing test helpers Other important points are • A unified syntax for setting up both state-based and behavior-based expectations • A focus on code readability by providing no mechanism for describing an expectation other than the code in the expectation itself The way Lookout works has been heavily influenced by expectations¹, by {Jay Fields}². The code base was once also heavily based on expectations¹, based at Subversion {revision 76}³. A lot has happened since then and all of the work past that revision are due to {Nikolai Weibull}⁴. ¹ Get more information on the expectations library at ² Read Jay Fields’s blog at ³ Review Lookout revision 76 at ⁴ Visit Nikolai Weibull’s home page at § Installation Install Lookout with % gem install lookout § Usage Lookout allows you to set expectations on an object’s state or behavior. We’ll begin by looking at state expectations and then take a look at expectations on behavior. \ § Expectations on State An expectation can be made on the result of a computation: expect 2 do 1 + 1 end Most objects, in fact, have their state expectations checked by invoking ‹#==› on the expected value with the result as its argument. Checking that a result is within a given range is also simple: expect 0.099..0.101 do \ 0.4 - 0.3 end Here, the more general ‹#===› is being used on the ‹Range›. ‹Strings› of course match against ‹Strings›: expect 'ab' do 'abc'[0..1] end but we can also match a ‹String› against a ‹Regexp›: expect %r{a substring} do 'a string with a substring' end (Note the use of ‹%r{…}› to avoid warnings that will be generated when Ruby parses ‹expect /…/›.) Checking that the result includes a certain module is done by expecting the ‹Module›. \ expect Enumerable do [] end This, due to the nature of Ruby, of course also works for classes (as they are also modules): \ expect String do 'a string' end This doesn’t hinder us from expecting the actual ‹Module› itself: expect Enumerable do Enumerable end As you may have figured out yourself, this is accomplished by first trying ‹#==› and, if it returns ‹false›, then trying ‹#===› on the expected ‹Module›. This is also true of ‹Ranges› and ‹Regexps›. Truthfulness is expected with ‹true› and ‹false›: expect true do 1 end expect false do nil end \ Results equaling ‹true› or ‹false› are slightly different: expect TrueClass do true end expect FalseClass do false \ end The rationale for this is that you should only care if the result of a computation evaluates to a value that Ruby considers to be either true or false, not the exact literals ‹true› or ‹false›. Expecting output on an IO object is also common: expect output("abc\ndef\n") do |io| io.puts 'abc', 'def' end This can be used to capture the output of a formatter that takes an output object as a parameter. \ You should always be expecting errors from – and in, but that’s a different story – your code: expect NoMethodError do Object.no_method \ end Often, not only the type of the error, but its description, is important to check: expect'message') do \ raise'message') end As with ‹Strings›, ‹Regexps› can be used to check the error description: expect do raise'message') end (Note that some of Ruby’s built-in error classes have slightly complicated behavior and will not allow you to pass a ‹Regexp› as a parameter. ‹NameError› is such a class. This may warrant further investigation into whether or not this is a bug, but I’ll leave that up to the reader to decide.) Lookout further provides a fluent way of setting up expectations on boolean results. \ An object can “be” expect{ attr_accessor :running; } do |process| process.running = true end or “not be” \ expect{ attr_accessor :running; } do |process| \ process.running = false end or to “have” expect{ attr_accessor :finished; } do |process| process.finished = true end or “not have” expect{ attr_accessor :finished; } do |process| process.finished = false end On the same note expect \ and expect As not every boolean method “is” or “has” you can even expect :nil? \ The rules here are that all ‹Objects› respond to ‹#to›. After ‹#to› you \ may call • ‹#not› • ‹#be› • ‹#have› • Any method whose name ends with ‹?› A call to ‹#not› must be followed by a call to one of the three alternatives that follow it in the list. ‹#Be› and ‹#have› must be followed by a call to a method. § Expectations on Behavior \ We expect our objects to be on their best behavior. Lookout allows you \ to make sure that they are. Mocks let use verify that a method is called in the way that we expect it to be: expect'2125551212').twice do |phone| phone.dial('2125551212') phone.dial('2125551212') \ end Here, ‹#mock› creates a mock object, an object that doesn’t respond to anything unless you tell it to. We tell it to expect to receive a call to ‹#dail› with ‹'2125551212'› as its formal argument, and we expect it to receive it twice. The mock object is then passed in to the block so \ that the expectations placed upon it can be fulfilled. Sometimes we only want to make sure that a method is called in the way that we expect it to be, but we don’t care if any other methods are called on the object. \ A stub object, created with ‹#stub›, expects any method and returns a stub object that, again, expects any method, and thus fits the bill. expect'2125551212').twice do |phone| phone.dial('2125551212') \ phone.hangup phone.dial('2125551212') end We can also use stubs without any expectations on them: expect 3 do s = stub(:a => 1, :b => 2) s.a + s.b end Blocks are also allowed: expect 3 do s = stub(:a => proc{ |a, b| a + b }) \ s.a(1, 2) end If need be, we can stub out a specific method on an object: expect 'def' do a = 'abc' stub(a).to_str{ 'def' } a.to_str end You don’t have to use a mock object to verify that a method is called: expect do \ end As you have figured out by now, the expected method call is set up by calling ‹#receive› after ‹#to›. ‹#Receive› is followed by a call to the method to expect with any expected arguments. \ The body of the mocked method can be given as the block to the method. \ Finally, an expected invocation count may follow the method. Let’s look at this formal specification in more detail. The expected method arguments may be given in a variety of ways. Let’s introduce them by giving some examples: expect do |m| … end \ Here, the method ‹#a› must be called with any number of arguments. It may be called any number of times, but it must be called at least once. If a method must receive exactly one argument, you can use ‹arg›: expect do |m| … end If a method must receive a specific argument, you can use that argument: expect do |m| … end The same matching rules apply for arguments as they do for state expectations, so the previous example expects a call to ‹#a› with 1, 2, or the Range 1..2 as an argument on ‹m›. If a method must be invoked without any arguments you can use ‹without_arguments›: \ expect do |m| … end \ You can of course use both ‹arg› and actual arguments: expect, 1, arg) do |m| … end The body of the mock method may be given as the block. Here, calling ‹#a› on ‹m› will give the result ‹1›: \ expect{ 1 } do |m| … end If no body has been given, the result will be a stub object. There is a caveat here in that a block can’t yield in Ruby 1.8. To work around this deficiency you have to use the ‹#yield› method: expect do |m| … end Any number of values to yield upon successive calls may be given. The last value given will be used repeatedly when all preceding values have been consumed. It’s also important to know that values are splatted when they are yielded. To simulate an ‹#each›-like method you can use ‹#each›. The following horrible example should give you an idea of how to use it. expect, 2, 3) do |o| class << o include Enumerable end \ o.inject{ |i, a| i + a } end Invocation count expectations can also be set if the default expectation of “at least once” isn’t good enough. The following expectations are possible • ‹#at_most_once› \ • ‹#once› • ‹#at_least_once› • ‹#twice› And, for a given ‹N›, • ‹#at_most(N)› • ‹#exactly(N)› • ‹#at_least(N)› \ Method stubs are another useful thing to have in a unit testing framework. \ Sometimes you need to override a method that does something a test shouldn’t do, like access and alter bank accounts. We can override – stub out – a method by using the ‹#stub› method. Let’s assume that we have an ‹Account› class that has two methods, ‹#slips› and ‹#total›. ‹#Slips› retrieves the bank slips that keep track of your deposits to the ‹Account› from a database. \ ‹#Total› sums the ‹#slips›. In the following test we want to make sure that ‹#total› does what it should do without accessing the database. We therefore stub out ‹#slips› and make it return something that we can easily control. expect 6 do |m| account = stub(account).slips{ [1, 2, 3] } end As with mock methods, if no body is given, the result will be a stub object. To make it easy to create objects with a set of stubbed methods there’s also a convenience method: expect 3 do s = stub(:a => 1, :b => 2) s.a + s.b end Please note that this makes it impossible to stub a method on a Hash, but you shouldn’t be doing that anyway. In fact, you should never mock or stub methods on value objects. § Integration Lookout can be used from Rake¹. Simply include the following code in your ‹Rakefile›: \ require 'lookout/rake/tasks' If the ‹:default› task hasn’t been defined it will be set to depend on the ‹:test› task. As an added bonus you can use Lookout’s own gem² tasks: \ This provides tasks to ‹build›, ‹check›, ‹install›, and ‹push› your gem. \ To use Lookout together with Vim³, place ‹contrib/rakelookout.vim› in ‹~/.vim/compiler› and add compiler rakelookout to ‹~/.vim/after/ftplugin/ruby.vim›. \ Executing ‹:make› from inside Vim will now run your tests and an errors and failures can be visited with ‹:cnext›. Execute ‹:help quickfix› for additional information. Another useful addition to your ‹~/.vim/after/ftplugin/ruby.vim› file may be nnoremap M :call run_test() \ let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' | nunmap M' function! s:run_test() \ let test = expand('%') let line = 'LINE=' . line('.') if test =~ '^lib/' let test = substitute(test, '^lib/', 'test/', '') let line = "" endif execute 'make' 'TEST=' . shellescape(test) line \ endfunction Now, pressing ‹M› will either run all tests for a given class, if the implementation file is active, or run the test at or just before the cursor, if the test file is active. This is useful if you’re currently receiving a lot of errors and/or failures and want to focus on those \ associated with a specific class or on a specific test. ¹ Read more about Rake at ² Get information on RubyGems at ³ Find out more about Vim at § Interface Design The default output of Lookout can Spartanly be described as Spartan. If no errors or failures occur, no output is generated. This is unconventional, as unit testing frameworks tend to dump a lot of information on the user, concerning things such as progress, test count summaries, and flamboyantly colored text telling you that your tests passed. None of this output is needed. Your tests should run fast enough to not require progress reports. The lack of output provides you with the same amount of information as reporting success. Test count summaries are only useful if you’re worried that your tests aren’t being run, but if you worry about that, then providing such output doesn’t really help. Testing your tests requires something beyond reporting some arbitrary count that you would have to verify by hand anyway. When errors or failures do occur, however, the relevant information is output in a format that can easily be parsed by an ‹'errorformat'› for Vim or with {Compilation Mode}¹ for Emacs². Diffs are generated for Strings, Arrays, Hashes, and I/O. ¹ Read up on Compilation mode for Emacs at ² Visit The GNU Foundation’s Emacs’ software page at § External Design Let’s now look at some of the points made in the introduction in greater detail. Lookout only allows you to set one expectation per test. If you’re testing behavior with a mock, then only one method-invocation expectation can be set. If you’re testing state, then only one result can be verified. It may seem like this would cause unnecessary duplication between tests. While this is certainly a possibility, when you actually begin to try to avoid such duplication you find that you often do so by improving your \ interfaces. This kind of restriction tends to encourage the use of value \ objects, which are easy to test, and more focused objects, which require simpler tests, as they have less behavior to test, per method. By keeping your interfaces focused you’re also keeping your tests focused. Keeping your tests focused improves, in itself, test isolation, but let’s look at something that hinders it: setup and teardown methods. Most unit testing frameworks encourage test fragmentation by providing setup and teardown methods. Setup methods create objects and, perhaps, just their behavior for a set of tests. This means that you have to look in two places to figure out what’s being done in a test. This may work fine for few methods with simple set-ups, but makes things complicated when the number of tests increases and the set-up is complex. \ Often, each test further adjusts the previously set-up object before performing any verifications, further complicating the process of figuring out what state an object has in a given test. Teardown methods clean up after tests, perhaps by removing records from a database or deleting files from the file-system. \ The duplication that setup methods and teardown methods hope to remove is better avoided by improving your interfaces. This can be done by providing \ better set-up methods for your objects and using idioms such as {Resource \ Acquisition Is Initialization}¹ for guaranteed clean-up, test or no test. \ By not using setup and teardown methods we keep everything pertinent to a \ test in the test itself, thus improving test isolation. (You also won’t {slow down your tests}² by keeping unnecessary state.) Most unit test frameworks also allow you to create arbitrary test helper methods. Lookout doesn’t. The same rationale as that that has been crystallized in the preceding paragraphs applies. If you need helpers you’re interface isn’t good enough. It really is as simple as that. To clarify: there’s nothing inherently wrong with test helper methods, but they should be general enough that they reside in their own library. The support for mocks in Lookout is provided through a set of test helper methods that make it easier to create mocks than it would have been without them. Lookout-rack³ is another example of a library providing test helper methods (well, one of method, actually) that are very useful in testing web applications that use Rack⁴. A final point at which some unit test frameworks try to fragment tests further is documentation. These frameworks provide ways of describing the whats and hows of what’s being tested, the rationale being that this will provide documentation of both the test and the code being tested. Describing how a stack data structure is meant to work is a common example. A stack is, however, a rather simple data structure, so such a description provides little, if any, additional information that can’t be extracted from the implementation and its tests themselves. The implementation and its tests is, in fact, its own best documentation. Taking the points made \ in the previous paragraphs into account, we should already have simple, self-describing, interfaces that have easily understood tests associated with them. Rationales for the use of a given data structure or system-design design documentation is better suited in separate documentation focused at describing exactly those issues. ¹ Read the Wikipedia entry for Resource Acquisition Is Initialization at ² Read how 37signals had problems with slow Test::Unit tests at ³ Visit the Lookout-rack GitHub project page at ⁴ Visit the Rack Rubyforge project page at § Internal Design The internal design of Lookout has had a couple of goals. • As few external dependencies as possible • As few internal dependencies as possible \ • Internal extensibility provides external extensibility • As fast load times as possible • As high a ratio of value objects to mutable objects as possible • Each object must have a simple, obvious name • Use mix-ins, not inheritance for shared behavior • As few responsibilities per object as possible • Optimizing for speed can only be done when you have all the facts § External Dependencies Lookout used to depend on Mocha for mocks and stubs. \ While benchmarking I noticed that a method in Mocha was taking up more than 300 percent of the runtime. It turned out that Mocha’s method for cleaning up back-traces generated when a mock failed was doing something incredibly stupid: backtrace.reject{ |l| } Here ‹@lib› is a ‹String› containing the path to the lib subdirectory in \ the Mocha installation directory. I reported it, provided a patch five days later, then waited. Nothing happened. {254 days later}¹, according to {Wolfram Alpha}², half of my patch was, apparently – I say “apparently”, as I received no notification – applied. By that time I had replaced the whole mocking-and-stubbing subsystem and dropped the dependency. Many Ruby developers claim that Ruby and its gems are too fast-moving for normal package-managing systems to keep up. This is testament to the fact that this isn’t the case and that the real problem is instead related to sloppy practices. Please note that I don’t want to single out the Mocha library nor its developers. I only want to provide an example where relying on external dependencies can be “considered harmful”. ¹ See the Wolfram Alpha calculation at ² Check out the Wolfram Alpha computational knowledge engine at § Internal Dependencies Lookout has been designed so as to keep each subsystem independent of any other. The diff subsystem is, for example, completely decoupled from any other part of the system as a whole and could be moved into its own library at a time where that would be of interest to anyone. What’s perhaps more interesting is that the diff subsystem is itself very modular. The data \ passes through a set of filters that depends on what kind of diff has been \ requested, each filter yielding modified data as it receives it. If you want to read some rather functional Ruby I can highly recommend looking at the code in the ‹lib/lookout/diff› directory. This lookout on the design of the library also makes it easy to extend Lookout. Lookout-rack was, for example, written in about four hours and about 5 of those 240 minutes were spent on setting up the interface between the two. § Optimizing For Speed The following paragraph is perhaps a bit personal, but might be interesting nonetheless. \ I’ve always worried about speed. The original Expectations library used ‹extend› a lot to add new behavior to objects. Expectations, for example, used to hold the result of their execution (what we now term “evaluation”) by being extended by a module representing success, failure, or error. For the longest time I used this same method, worrying about the increased performance cost that creating new objects for results would incur. I finally came to a point where I felt that the code was so simple and clean that rewriting this part of the code for a benchmark wouldn’t take more than perhaps ten minutes. Well, ten minutes later I had my results and they confirmed that creating new objects wasn’t harming performance. I was very pleased. § Naming I hate low lines (underscores). I try to avoid them in method names and I always avoid them in file names. Since the current “best practice” in the Ruby community is to put ‹BeginEndStorage› in a file called ‹begin_end_storage.rb›, I only name constants using a single noun. This has had the added benefit that classes seem to have acquired less behavior, as using a single noun doesn’t allow you to tack on additional behavior without questioning if it’s really appropriate to do so, given the rather limited range of interpretation for that noun. It also seems to encourage the creation of value objects, as something named ‹Range› feels a lot more like a value than ‹BeginEndStorage›. (To reach object-oriented-programming \ Nirvana you must achieve complete value.) § Contributors Contributors to the original expectations codebase are mentioned there. We hope no one on that list feels left out of this list. Please {let us know}¹ if you do. \ • Nikolai Weibull ¹ Add an issue to the Lookout issue tracker at § License You may use, copy, and redistribute this library under the same terms¹ \ as Ruby itself. ¹ Read the Ruby licensing terms at




  1. 3.0.1 September 04, 2013 (68KB)
  2. 3.0.0 April 30, 2013 (67.5KB)
  3. 2.3.0 October 20, 2011 (43.5KB)
  4. 2.2.0 October 14, 2011 (43.5KB)
  5. 2.1.4 July 26, 2011 (41.5KB)

Development依存関係 (1):

yard ~> 0.6.0



  • Nikolai Weibull

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