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logstash-core 1.5.0.beta1-java

This version has been yanked, and it is not available for download directly or for other gems that may have depended on it.


  1. 7.5.2 January 21, 2020 java (263 KB)
  2. 7.5.1 December 18, 2019 java (263 KB)
  3. 7.5.0 December 02, 2019 java (262 KB)
  4. 7.4.2 October 31, 2019 java (261 KB)
  5. 7.4.1 October 23, 2019 java (261 KB)
  6. 1.5.0.beta1 February 20, 2015 java (54.5 KB) yanked
Show all versions (242 total)


Yanked by:


  • Jordan Sissel, Pete Fritchman, Elasticsearch

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 834,235

For this version 68

Version Released:


Apache License (2.0)

Required Ruby Version: >= 0

Required Rubygems Version:
