RubyGems Navigation menu

logger 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 logger

silw 0.1.0

Read various system stats from local or remote systems and publish them in a simple and...

8,377 下载

ford 0.0.3

Ford allows you to split a ruby script into stages of a scalable and performant pipeline

8,168 下载

kitchen-pulumi 0.2.0

Kitchen-Pulumi makes it easy to add integration tests to Pulumi-based infrastructure pr...

8,123 下载

wamupd 1.1.2

Wamupd -- A Ruby program to update DNS-SD using Avahi & D-Bus

7,398 下载

web-scraper 0.0.6

It's an utility to scrape web pages

7,379 下载

natural 0.1.1

Natural provides a framework for answering 'naturally' worded questions like 'how many ...

7,346 下载

nucleus 0.3.1

Nucleus is a unified API for deployment and management of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) ...

7,186 下载

supergood 1.0.1

Supergood - API monitoring

7,148 下载

create_github_release 2.0.1

A script that manages your gem version and creates a GitHub branch, PR, and release for...

6,831 下载

iwatcher 0.0.2

Execute command on inotify event.

6,812 下载

google_logger 1.2.0

Provides convenient methods to log all controller requests and a...

6,738 下载

dsv-sdk 0.0.6

The Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault SDK for Ruby

6,617 下载

a4tools 1.2.7

A series of tools to make life better at Acres 4.0.

6,587 下载

ceph-crush-location 0.1.4

Manage where OSDs are found in crush map

6,181 下载

kasa 0.2.2

Directly control Kasa devices

6,031 下载

sonarqube-client 0.0.1

This gem can be used to interact with a SonarQube server using the REST API. This is an...

5,944 下载

neo_gruby 0.2.0.pre.rc4

Little ruby framework to works with GRPC

5,936 下载

gene_system 0.6.0

System configuration tool for applying settings

5,619 下载

terminal_hero 0.1.2

Terminal Hero is a simple turn-based roleplaying game, created for coursework. Players ...

5,588 下载

cloudmunch_Ruby_sdk_v2 0.0.4

Cloudmunch Ruby SDK to build plugins for cloudmunch platform.

5,550 下载

ruby_kpi 0.0.2

The KPI required to access a SmartM3 Smart Space. This gem provides the standard JOIN, ...

5,547 下载

togglv8-tfl 1.2.1

Toggl v8 API wrapper (See

5,513 下载

sneaql-aws 0.0.4

provides extensions to sneaql allowing interaction with AWS

5,415 下载

rummager 0.5.9

Rake integration with docker-api

5,334 下载

email_collector 0.3.0

Collects emails from Google

5,244 下载

uc3-citation 0.0.5

Send this service a DOI and receive back a citation

5,128 下载

twrk-socialization 1.2.0

A modification of the smer/socialization plugin; currently not being maintained by orig...

5,115 下载

code_snippet 0.3.0

A code snippet handling tool

4,856 下载

w3c-validator-to-rally 0.1.0

A gem to import W3C errors to Rally

4,852 下载

awesomelog 0.0.1

Colors logger output according to level

4,820 下载

下载总量 23,932,246

这个版本 3,494,816



Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5.0
