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libxml-ruby 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 libxml-ruby

rwget 0.5.3

Ruby port of wget, emphasis on recursive/crawler

8,072 下载

omg-peanuts 2.0.1

Peanuts is an XML to Ruby and back again mapping library.

7,985 下载

themactep-grumblr 2.1.1

Grumblr is a message poster to Tumblr blogs from GNOME.

7,905 下载

xcpretty-pmd-formatter 0.0.4

Custom formatter for xcpretty that saves on a PMD file all the errors, and warnings, so...

7,853 下载

bio-ensembl-rest 0.2.0

A Ruby library for the RESTful Ensembl API.

7,764 下载

simple-news-crawler 1.0.3

A simple news crawler. You can specify the structure of your xml or rss feeds.

7,752 下载

ruby-framenet 0.1.1

This is a Ruby interface to FrameNet, a lexical database of English word usage. It incl...

7,560 下载

pimento 0.0.2

Draw graphics using Mac OS X GUI Components

7,512 下载

yt_data_api 0.0.2

Create a new instance of YtDataApi::YtDataApiClient passing user ...

7,509 下载

yandex-webmaster 0.2.0

Ruby wrapper for Yandex.Webmaster API

6,907 下载

hq-aws-check-sqs-queue 0.0.2

Icinga/nagios plugin to check the status of an Amazon SQS queue

6,801 下载

hq-check-drill 0.0.2

HQ icinga/nagios plugin to show a specific status based on the time

6,720 下载

macasek-happymapper 0.2.6

object to xml mapping library

6,423 下载

samsung_wam_api 0.2.3

Gem provides Ruby Samsung WAM API wrapper

6,394 下载

gus-importer 0.1.0

Simple gem for extracting data from gus XML

6,229 下载

archives 0.0.1

Ruby Gem for Korea Government Archives Search OpenAPI

6,048 下载

floorplanner-fml 0.2.1

Floor plan document toolkit

6,008 下载

hexorx-rumblr 0.0.4

Ruby client for the Tumblr API

5,920 下载

woahdae-consumer 0.8.2

Consumer is a library for consuming xml resources via Builder, libxml, and some request...

5,775 下载

mig-xml_magick 0.2

A simple xml parsing library

5,710 下载

gm_x12 1.6.2

A useful X12 parser that can handle large files using a callback per record. Currently ...

5,673 下载

pauldowman-sqs_accelerator 0.0.2

A simple and scalable event-drive server that proxies requests to Amazon's Simple Queue...

5,603 下载

rschenk-pubmed_search 0.1.1

A PubMed searching library with more features than BioRuby

5,558 下载

ruby_kpi 0.0.2

The KPI required to access a SmartM3 Smart Space. This gem provides the standard JOIN, ...

5,493 下载

pvdgm_services 0.1.1

Provides HL7/MDS inbound services to a Rails application.

5,454 下载

wikiavro 0.0.2

Convert MediaWiki XML dumps to Avro

5,434 下载

digestr 0.0.2

DigestR is a fast rules-based XML processor (similar to the Jakarta Commons Digester) ...

5,421 下载

blackwinter-libxslt-ruby 1.0.1

The Libxslt-Ruby project provides Ruby language bindings for the GNOME XSLT C libra...

5,272 下载

rahyab 0.1.1

Ruby gem to use Rahyab SMS service

5,220 下载

bio-phyloxml 0.9.0

Provides PhyloXML support for BioRuby.

5,181 下载

下载总量 24,380,701

这个版本 304,140



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
