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kramdown 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 kramdown

kracker 0.0.5

DOM Mapping

13,472 下载

bunto 3.4.5

Bunto is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

13,449 下载

middleman-mdocs 0.1.8

MDocs extension for middleman

13,409 下载


Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

13,281 下载

statikaj 0.0.5

Statikaj is simple tool to create statikaj blogs.

13,176 下载

raml_doc 0.0.4

Generate API documentation from RAML files

13,032 下载

zkruby 3.4.3

Pure ruby client for ZooKeeper (

12,932 下载

juicelang-theme 0.5.6

The theme of the website of the juice programming language

12,912 下载

repository-base 0.4.1

Base implementation of Repository layer in Data Mapper pattern. See README for details.

12,866 下载

pretty_feed 1.0.1

PrettyFeed provides a modulizer you can include in a job, worker, class, rake task, etc...

12,850 下载

rspec-ax_elements 0.9.0

RSpec extensions for using AXElements

12,642 下载

raconteur 0.2.1

Define custom text tags and have Raconteur parse them as per your specifications

12,455 下载

dom_glancy 1.1.0

DOM Mapping

12,402 下载

featherweight 0.7.15

`Featherweight` is an ultra-lightweight Jekyll theme, aiming to minimise bandwidth usag...

12,308 下载

fakecmd 0.0.3

Fakes system commands. Intended for use in tests.

11,920 下载

praise 0.0.4

A small gem for intercepting raise calls to dig up hidden and buried exceptions.

11,729 下载

jekyll-jolt 0.23.0

Jekyll library for creating custom template blocks

11,674 下载

blackboard 3.1.9

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

11,648 下载

simple-metrics 0.0.12

A simple JRuby wrapper around codahale's metrics package

11,485 下载

distribute 1.0.1

A small distribution method for binaries or libraries.

11,417 下载

deas-kramdown 0.1.4

Deas template engine for Kramdown templates

11,414 下载

red-arrow-numo-narray 0.0.6

Red Arrow Numo::NArray adds `Arrow::Tensor#to_narray` and `#to_arrow`/`#to_arrow_array`...

11,378 下载

bhook 0.3.2

Convert your Git based markdown wiki repo to a static HTML website

11,335 下载

smarky 0.0.4

Smarky creates structure from Markdown

11,307 下载

multi_sync 0.0.4

Flexible synchronisation for your assets

11,180 下载

standard-rubocop-lts 1.0.10

Extended Standard Ruby Configs for Finely Aged Rubies; Compatible with rubocop-lts

11,173 下载

cognizant 0.0.3

Cognizant is a process management framework inspired from God and Bluepill. It supervis...

11,144 下载

potion 0.0.5

A static site generator that supports code, photos and files.

10,906 下载

tigefa 1.1.3

tigefa is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

10,886 下载

kramdown-service 1.0.0

kramdown-service gem - kramdown HTTP JSON API service (convert markdown to HTML or LaTeX)

10,868 下载

下载总量 165,537,339

这个版本 44,425,292




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.3
