RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para kramdown La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren kramdown

gollum-lib 6.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

2.679.344 Descargas

apitome 0.3.1

Present clean and usable API documentation generated from RSpec API Documentation JSON ...

2.643.334 Descargas

middleman-syntax 3.4.0

Code syntax highlighting plugin via rouge for Middleman

2.439.142 Descargas

linkedin 1.1.1

Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API

1.666.736 Descargas

comfortable_mexican_sofa 2.0.19

ComfortableMexicanSofa is a powerful Rails 5.2+ CMS Engine

1.632.783 Descargas

good_job 3.28.2

A multithreaded, Postgres-based ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails

1.488.972 Descargas

govuk_publishing_components 38.1.1

A gem to document components in GOV.UK frontend applications

1.354.331 Descargas

raddocs 2.2.0

Browse documentation generated by the rspec_api_documentation gem

1.137.500 Descargas

logstash-devutils 2.6.2

logstash-devutils gem is meant to be used as a development dependency from other plugin...

959.424 Descargas

yard-junk 0.0.9

YardJunk is structured logger/error validator plugin for YARD documentation gem.

899.949 Descargas

gollum 6.0.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

803.433 Descargas

riak-client 2.6.0

riak-client is a rich client for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It supports t...

769.856 Descargas

red-colors 0.4.0

Red Colors provides a wide array of features for dealing with colors. This includes con...

743.015 Descargas

activeldap 7.0.0

'ActiveLdap' is a ruby library which provides a clean objected oriented interface t...

686.489 Descargas

jets 5.0.13

Jets is a framework that allows you to create serverless applications with a beautiful ...

642.964 Descargas

r18n-core 5.0.1

R18n is a i18n tool to translate your Ruby application. It has nice Ruby-style synt...

630.832 Descargas

algebrick 0.7.5

Provides algebraic type definitions and pattern matching

580.938 Descargas

rroonga 12.1.0

Rroonga is an extension library to use Groonga's DB-API layer. Rroonga provides Rubyish...

564.495 Descargas

transloadit 3.0.2

The transloadit gem allows you to automate uploading files through the Transloadit REST...

542.354 Descargas

naether 0.15.10

Java dependency resolver using Maven's Aether

478.815 Descargas

naether 0.15.10

Java dependency resolver using Maven's Aether

478.815 Descargas

groonga-command-parser 1.1.4

Groonga-command-parser is a Ruby library to parses [groonga]('s com...

476.904 Descargas

ffi-aspell 1.1.0

FFI bindings for Aspell

467.058 Descargas

govspeak 8.3.4

A set of extensions to markdown layered on top of the kramdown library for use in the U...

422.351 Descargas

origen 0.60.14

The Semiconductor Developer's Kit

401.018 Descargas

ruby-lint 2.3.1

A linter and static code analysis tool for Ruby.

380.715 Descargas

markerb 1.1.0

Multipart templates made easy with Markdown + ERb

368.470 Descargas

kramdown-rfc2629 1.7.11

An RFCXML (RFC 799x) generating backend for Thomas Leitner's "kramdown" markdown parser...

354.109 Descargas

softcover 1.10.3

Command-line interface for

346.086 Descargas

middleman-dotenv 2.0.0

Dotenv for Middleman

337.399 Descargas

Total de descargas 149.997.624

Para esta versión 35.181.055



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.3
