Dependencias inversas para kgio La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren kgio
unicorn 6.1.0
unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on ...
108.517.036 Descargas
rainbows 5.2.1
\Rainbows! is an HTTP server for sleepy Rack applications. It is based on unicorn, but...
644.572 Descargas
resqued 0.13.0
Daemon of resque workers
179.701 Descargas
yahns 1.18.0
A Free Software, multi-threaded, non-blocking network application server designed for l...
76.193 Descargas
unicorn-camilo 5.0.0
\Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on...
73.344 Descargas
creeper 2.0.2
Creeper is an evented version of Stalker
66.832 Descargas
navy 1.1.2
Ruby daemon inspired by Unicorn.
48.265 Descargas
monga 0.0.11
Yet another MongoDB Ruby Client
32.130 Descargas
boourns-unicorn 4.4.9
\Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on...
31.098 Descargas
omgf 0.0.9
OMGF provides an HTTP interface for {MogileFS}[], allowing clients t...
30.834 Descargas
unicorn-shopify 5.3.0
unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on ...
20.110 Descargas
kinetic 0.0.5
A powerful yet simple AMQP worker framework
14.409 Descargas
unicorn-simon 0.0.7
unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on ...
12.993 Descargas
omgdav 0.0.3
omgdav exposes an existing MogileFS domain over WebDAV. There is absolutely no commitm...
11.916 Descargas
em-ruby-sockets 0.0.3
em-ruby-sockets uses Ruby sockets within EventMachine::watch()
11.865 Descargas
green 0.1.1
Cooperative multitasking fo Ruby
10.740 Descargas
\This is a fork of Unicorn designed to run on Heroku. Heroku and Unicorn disagree on si...
6.097 Descargas
\Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on...
6.018 Descargas
\Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on...
5.076 Descargas
forklifter 0.0.1
Forklift is a preforking, autoscaling process manager for building background processin...
4.508 Descargas
radiant-heroku_dalli-extension 1.0.0
Enable Memcache with Dalli for Radiant CMS
4.276 Descargas
\Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on...
3.690 Descargas