RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para jnunemaker-matchy La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren jnunemaker-matchy


Ruby wrapper for the SAAS and billing API

6.645 Descargas

getty 0.0.2

Gives access to all endpoints in version 1 of Getty's API

6.499 Descargas

dealer 0.0.0

First hit is free

6.354 Descargas

crnixon-mongomapper 0.3.4

Awesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo

6.184 Descargas

jeffleeismyhero-acl9 0.10.2

Role-based authorization system for Rails with a nice DSL for access control lists

5.713 Descargas

noaa 0.2.4

Ruby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data

5.667 Descargas

ssherman-mongo_mapper 0.8.6

A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo

5.357 Descargas

danielharan-mongo_mapper 0.6.5

Awesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo

5.310 Descargas

chunky_baconfile 0.1.0

Tasty wrapper for the Baconfile API

5.291 Descargas

drogus-mongo_mapper 0.6.10

Awesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo

5.160 Descargas

doug-chargify 0.2.5

Ruby wrapper for the SAAS and billing API designed to be thread safe

5.078 Descargas

giact 0.0.1

Ruby wrapper for the Giact real time checks API

4.966 Descargas

honkster-mongo_mapper 0.8.4

A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo

4.942 Descargas

ericperko-acts_as_audited 1.1.2

ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table

4.896 Descargas

jonbell-mongo_mapper 0.8.6

A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo

4.875 Descargas

fizx-chargify 0.2.1

Ruby wrapper for the SAAS and billing API

4.860 Descargas

htanata-acts_as_audited 1.1.1

ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table

4.839 Descargas

linkedin-saimonmoore 0.1.8

Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API

4.733 Descargas

nextstop 0.0.1

Find cool places and destination guides with the nextstop API

4.685 Descargas

numon 0.0.1

A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo

4.633 Descargas

dirtydan 1.0

A simple module for automation of object dirtiness tracking.

4.608 Descargas

jlind-twitter 0.9.9

wrapper for the twitter api

4.567 Descargas

webbynode-mongo_mapper 0.6.4

Awesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo

4.556 Descargas

vidly 0.1.0

Post your videos to Twitter with

4.534 Descargas

sml-twitter 0.7.3

wrapper for the twitter api

4.422 Descargas

thorsson-mongo_mapper 0.8.2

A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo

4.383 Descargas

opsb-octopussy 0.3.0

Simple wrapper for the GitHub API v2

4.378 Descargas

rorra-twitter 0.9.9

wrapper for the twitter api

4.374 Descargas

ruby-alibris 0.1.0

Wrapper for Alibris API, the premier online marketplace for independent sellers of new ...

4.101 Descargas

tailored-etsy 0.2.2

A friendly Ruby interface to the Etsy API

3.913 Descargas

Total de descargas 22.097

Para esta versión 22.097



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
