RubyGems Navigation menu

jewelerの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はjewelerを必要としています

attribute-kit 0.2.0

Tools for attribute tracking like Hashes with dirty tracking and events, for building h...

570,267 ダウンロード数

bhf 0.10.17

A simple to use Rails-Engine-Gem that offers an admin interface for trusted user. Easy ...

566,951 ダウンロード数

rails_admin-i18n 1.20.0

Translations for the rails_admin gem

537,088 ダウンロード数

will-paginate-i18n 0.1.15

Translations for the will_paginate gem

524,195 ダウンロード数

ruby-box 1.15.0

ruby gem for 2.0 api

523,226 ダウンロード数

passbook 0.4.4

This gem allows you to create IOS Passbooks. Unlike some, this works with Rails but d...

495,302 ダウンロード数

wistia-api 0.2.3

A ruby library for working with Wistia's data API.

492,123 ダウンロード数

devise_lastseenable 0.0.6

This ensures that devise will update a last_seen flag on the model whenever you check i...

489,995 ダウンロード数

static_model 1.1.0

StaticModel provides a Base class much like ActiveRecord which supports reading from a ...

489,639 ダウンロード数

activerecord-postgres-json 0.2.3

Active Record support for PostgreSQL JSON type

484,709 ダウンロード数

zbar 0.3.0

Ruby bindings for ZBar, a barcode recognition library. Uses FFI to interact with the un...

476,798 ダウンロード数

gs2crmod 0.12.17

GS2 is a gyrokinetic flux tube initial value turbulence code which can be used for fusi...

466,258 ダウンロード数

honeypot-captcha 1.0.1

A simple way to add honeypot captchas to Rails forms

458,151 ダウンロード数

coderunner 1.0.14

CodeRunner is a framework for the automated running and analysis of simulations. It aut...

457,077 ダウンロード数

unicode_scanner 1.0.1

An implementation of StringScanner that doesn't split multibyte characters.

455,948 ダウンロード数


FlyData Agent

449,240 ダウンロード数

vimeo 1.5.4

A full featured Ruby implementation of the Vimeo API.

437,889 ダウンロード数

rack-affiliates 0.4.0

If the user clicked through from an affiliated site, this middleware will track affilia...

435,219 ダウンロード数

barista 1.3.0

Barista provides simple, integrated support for CoffeeScript in Rack and Rails applicat...

428,066 ダウンロード数

yard-rails 0.3.0

Rails includes several bits of custom markup (such as the new "cattr_*" methods). This...

422,867 ダウンロード数

crontab_syntax_checker 0.1.0

Validate an entry that will be used in crontab

413,621 ダウンロード数

rubypress 1.2.2

Easily access WordPress installations through the WordPress XML-RPC API. This gem exact...

406,653 ダウンロード数

caren-api 0.12.5

You can use this gem as inspiration of the base of your connections with Caren.

397,599 ダウンロード数

old_sql 1.65.0

OldSQL is a Rails Engine database reporting gem that uses plain old SQL

397,461 ダウンロード数

wepay-rails 2.6.0

Rails gem that interfaces with the WePay API

396,942 ダウンロード数

engen 0.1.5

A gem for Ruby on Rails 3 that adds an engine generator for easy code extension

395,326 ダウンロード数

simple_record 4.0.0

ActiveRecord like interface for Amazon SimpleDB. Store, query, shard, etc. By http://ww...

394,023 ダウンロード数

watir-webdriver-performance 0.2.4

This gem collects and summarises metrics speficied in the W3C Navigation web performanc...

388,487 ダウンロード数

omniauth-google 1.0.2

A Google OAuth strategy for OmniAuth 1.0

387,337 ダウンロード数

erector 0.10.0

Erector is a Builder-like view framework, inspired by Markaby but overcoming some of it...

377,086 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 1,816,237

このバージョンのみ 122,431



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.2.0
