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hoe 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 hoe

configtoolkit 2.3.2

Are you tired of writing custom code to parse and represent every new configuration fil...

97,985 下載

cartesian 0.6.7

Provides methods for the calculation of the cartesian producted between two or more enu...

97,911 下載

xmlhash 1.3.9

A small C module that wraps libxml2's xmlreader to parse a XML string into a ruby hash

97,761 下載

sparklines 0.5.2

Tiny graphs.

97,203 下載

minitest-debugger 1.1.0

This is a stupid simple example of how easy it is to make a minitest plugin that does s...

96,822 下載

doodle 0.2.3

Doodle is a gem for simplifying the definition of Ruby classes by making attributes and...

96,560 下載

rutils 2.0.0

DEPRECATED processing of russian strings

96,001 下載

iron_hammer 1.1.1

Iron Hammer gathers together three components to help automate the build, test and depl...

94,084 下載

screwcap 0.8.3

Screwcap is a library that wraps Net::SSH and makes it easy to perform actions on remot...

93,585 下載

svutil 0.9.12

A simple managed process builder for Ruby projects

93,456 下載

heckle 1.4.3

Heckle is unit test sadism(tm) at it's core. Heckle is a mutation tester. It modifies y...

93,014 下載

minitest-excludes 2.0.2

minitest/excludes.rb extends Minitest::Test to provide a clean API for excluding certai...

92,576 下載

safebool 1.2.0

safebool - safe bool / boolean type adds Bool(), to_b, parse_bool / to_bool, bool?, fal...

91,960 下載

opmlparser 1.0.1

opmlparser - read / parse outlines (incl. feed subscription lists) in the OPML (Outline...

91,706 下載

red 4.1.7

Red writes like Ruby and runs like JavaScript.

90,595 下載

johnson 1.2.0

Johnson wraps JavaScript in a loving Ruby embrace. It embeds the Mozilla SpiderMonkey J...

88,280 下載

gchart 1.0.0

GChart exposes the Google Chart API via a friendly Ruby interface. It can generate the ...

87,647 下載

newjs 1.7.4

The +newjs+ command creates a new JavaScript project/application with a default directo...

87,475 下載

mongrel_service 0.4.0

This plugin offer native win32 services for rails. This replace mongrel_rails_service.

87,024 下載

ar_fixtures 0.0.4

Creates test fixtures from data in the database.

86,850 下載

benchmark_suite 1.0.0

A set of enhancements to the standard library benchmark.rb

86,466 下載

newrelic-sequel 0.0.6

Sequel instrumentation for Newrelic.

85,495 下載


'Ruby/ActiveLdap' is a ruby extension library which provides a clean objected oriented ...

85,116 下載

riskman 0.23

FIX (describe your package)

84,319 下載

vlad-git 2.2.0

Vlad plugin for Git support. This was previously part of Vlad, but all modules outside ...

84,075 下載

rdoc-generator-fivefish 0.4.0

A(nother) HTML(5) generator for RDoc. It uses {Twitter Bootstrap}[http://twitter.githu...

81,570 下載

barby-pdf417 0.1.2

Pdf417 support for Barby.

81,551 下載

barby-pdf417 0.1.2

Pdf417 support for Barby.

81,551 下載

AddressBookImporter 0.0.13

The author was too lazy to write a description

80,053 下載

rfeedfinder 0.9.13

rFeedFinder uses RSS autodiscovery, Atom autodiscovery, spidering, URL correction, and ...

79,633 下載

總下載次數 8,469,112

這個版本 3,551



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7, < 4

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 3.0
