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hoe-mercurialの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はhoe-mercurialを必要としています

sysexits 1.2.0

Have you ever wanted to call <code>exit()</code> with an error condition, b...

28,385,999 ダウンロード数

bluecloth 2.2.0

BlueCloth is a Ruby implementation of John Gruber's Markdown[

4,529,706 ダウンロード数

linguistics 2.1.0

Linguistics is a framework for building linguistic utilities for Ruby objects in any la...

1,345,331 ダウンロード数

postgres 0.8.1

This is an old, deprecated version of the Ruby PostgreSQL driver that hasn't been maint...

211,087 ダウンロード数

ruby-pg 0.8.0

This is an old, deprecated version of the 'pg' gem that hasn't been maintained or suppo...

133,511 ダウンロード数

pluginfactory 1.0.8

PluginFactory is a mixin module that turns an including class into a factory for its de...

133,299 ダウンロード数

pluginfactory 1.0.8

PluginFactory is a mixin module that turns an including class into a factory for its de...

133,299 ダウンロード数

treequel 1.12.0

Treequel is an LDAP toolkit for Ruby. It is intended to allow quick, easy access to LDA...

127,988 ダウンロード数

pg_jruby 0.17.1

This file needs a translation of the English README. Pull requests, patches, or volunte...

113,485 ダウンロード数

rdoc-generator-fivefish 0.4.0

A(nother) HTML(5) generator for RDoc. It uses {Twitter Bootstrap}[http://twitter.githu...

80,530 ダウンロード数

rspec-formatter-webkit 2.7.0

This is a formatter for RSpec 2 that takes advantage of features in WebKit[http://webki...

68,134 ダウンロード数

hoe-deveiate 0.10.0

A collection of Rake tasks and utility functions I use to maintain my Open Source proje...

62,448 ダウンロード数

hoe-highline 0.2.1

A Hoe plugin for building interactive Rake tasks. Hoe-highline, as you might have gues...

38,761 ダウンロード数

wordnet-defaultdb 2.0.1

This gem is a container for the default SQLUNet database files loaded by the 'wordnet' ...

24,129 ダウンロード数

strelka-fancyerrors 0.1.0

Strelka-FancyErrors is a Strelka plugin for rendering a bunch of useful information on ...

20,105 ダウンロード数

hoe-manualgen 0.3.0

A manual-generation plugin for Hoe. This is a plugin for Hoe[http://seattlerb.rubyforg...

18,341 ダウンロード数

strelka-cms 0.3.0

This is a web content-management application written for the Strelka web application fr...

15,157 ダウンロード数

strelka-newrelic 0.0.4

Strelka-NewRelic is a Strelka plugin for monitoring a Strelka application with NewRelic...

11,525 ダウンロード数

foreman-export-daemontools 0.1.0

An exporter for David Dollar's Foreman[] that outputs...

7,608 ダウンロード数

arborist-webservice 0.1.0

This is a collection of webservice monitoring tools for the Arborist monitoring toolkit...

7,523 ダウンロード数

ruby-framenet 0.1.1

This is a Ruby interface to FrameNet, a lexical database of English word usage. It incl...

7,406 ダウンロード数

rdoc-generator-sixfish 0.3.1

A readable HTML generator for RDoc. It uses the Bulma CSS framework.

5,012 ダウンロード数

drbservice 1.0.4

DRbService is a framework we use at LAIKA for creating authenticated SSL-encrypted DRb ...

4,842 ダウンロード数

thingfish-processor-mp3 0.1.0

This is a basic mp3-processor plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It extra...

4,237 ダウンロード数

treequel-shell 1.10.0

Treequel-Shell is a collection of LDAP tools based on the Treequel LDAP toolkit. It in...

4,068 ダウンロード数

assemblage-web 0.1.pre20180313195355

This gem adds web services to an Assemblage continuous integration server. It's still ...

3,222 ダウンロード数

thingfish-processor-pdf 0.1.0

This is a basic pdf processor plugin for the Thingfish digital asset manager. It extra...

2,578 ダウンロード数

strelka-cors 0.0.1

This is a Strelka application plugin for describing rules for [Cross-Origin Resource Sh...

2,514 ダウンロード数

openldap 0.0.1pre11

A simple, but feature-complete Ruby binding for OpenLDAP's libldap. This binding is i...

2,424 ダウンロード数

strelka-admin 0.0.1.pre7

Strelka is a framework for creating and deploying Mongrel2 web applications in Ruby, an...

2,353 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 57,484

このバージョンのみ 24,239



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 0
