hoe-halostatue 1.0.1
Hoe::Halostatue is a [Hoe][hoe] meta-plugin that ensures that the following plugins are installed and enabled for your project: - [`hoe-doofus`][hoe-doofus] - [`hoe-gemspec2`][hoe-gemspec2] - [`hoe-git2`][hoe-git2] - [`hoe-markdown`][hoe-markdown] - [`hoe-rubygems`][hoe-rubygems] It also provides an improved implementation for `Hoe#parse_urls` that works better with a Markdown README. It allows either `*` or `-` as list leaders for the README. It also allows the URLs to be blank. Double colons are still required for pattern matching. In addition to the four letter aliases in `Hoe::URLS_TO_META_MAP` (`bugs`, `clog`, `doco`, `docs`, `home`, `code`, `wiki`, and `mail`), this adds: - `changelog`, `changes`, and `history` as aliases for `changelog_uri` - `documentation` for `documentation_uri` - `issues` and `tickets` for `bug_tracker_uri`