hashr 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 hashr
ssickles-tire 0.4.4
Tire is a Ruby client for the ElasticSearch search engine/database. It provides Rub...
11,839 下載
pwkeep 0.0.4
A simple password storage utility
11,490 下載
reckless 0.2.2
Ruby client to Chicago's records store Reckless.com http://reckless.com
11,167 下載
octoplex 0.0.3
A lightweight wrapper around the Github v3 API
10,842 下載
apple_push 0.1.2
Sinatra-based server to deliver Apple Push Notifications
10,368 下載
reverb-api 0.1.9
Access the Reverb API
9,539 下載
supercamp 0.0.3
Simple Interface to the ActiveNetwork Campgound API
7,938 下載
load_balanced_tire 0.11
Tire is a Ruby client for the ElasticSearch search engine/database. It provides Rub...
7,290 下載
tire-erez 0.5.4
Tire is a Ruby client for the Elasticsearch search engine/database. It provides Rub...
6,283 下載
travis-core 0.0.1
4,532 下載
git_hook 0.0.1
git hooks management command line tool
4,475 下載
yandex-api-direct 0.0.1
Use JSON api on Yandex api side and automatically manages access token refresh
4,269 下載
omniauth-songwriter 0.1.0
Provide access to the OAuth2 provider powering SSO for all things Songwriter
3,542 下載
omniauth-cv 0.1.0
Provide access to the OAuth2 provider powering SSO for all things CV
3,282 下載
awspusher 1.0.0
AWSpusher makes it easy to deploy to EC2
2,994 下載