RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para handlebars-source La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren handlebars-source

barber 0.12.2

Handlebars precompilation

1.611.430 Descargas

ember-rails 0.21.0

Ember for Rails 3.1+

1.352.703 Descargas

handlebars 0.8.0

Uses the actual JavaScript implementation of Handlebars, but supports using Ruby object...

1.009.530 Descargas

ember-handlebars-template 0.8.0

The sprockets template for Ember Handlebars.

771.498 Descargas

discourse-ember-rails 0.18.6

Ember for Rails 3.1+

132.459 Descargas

smolbars 0.1.6

Uses the actual JavaScript implementation of Handlebars

68.314 Descargas

handlebars-engine 0.3.3

A complete interface to Handlebars.js for Ruby. Handlebars::Engine provides a comp...

49.472 Descargas

ember-appkit-rails 0.5.0

Ember App Kit for Rails

33.452 Descargas

ember-template-compiler-source 1.0.0.pre4.4

Ember-Handlebars precompiler source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs.

29.231 Descargas

embork 0.0.13

A tool set for building ember apps.

27.235 Descargas

emberman 0.1.4

An easy way to get an Ember app served by a Middleman static site.

23.314 Descargas

pyro 0.9.0

Build Ember.js apps with CoffeeScript and Sass... without all that damn configuration.

22.125 Descargas


Ember.js source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs.

16.155 Descargas

ember-rails-lite 0.18.0

Ember for Rails 3.1+ without ActiveModel::Serializers

15.850 Descargas

handlebars_exec 0.1.0

Bindings for handlebars using execjs. Tested using mini_racer, therubyracer, and native...

13.602 Descargas

handlebars.rb 0.2.0

Ruby Handlebars is a bridge to the JS Handlebars compiler.

13.208 Descargas

Total de descargas 2.297.597

Para esta versión 4.645



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
