RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para gyoku La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren gyoku

akami 1.3.3

Building Web Service Security

71.373.244 Descargas

savon 2.15.0

Heavy metal SOAP client

69.644.375 Descargas

winrm 2.3.6

Ruby library for Windows Remote Management

17.614.568 Descargas

google-ads-savon 1.0.4

Delicious SOAP for the Ruby community

9.585.441 Descargas

workato-connector-sdk 1.3.10

Reproduce key concepts of Workato SDK, DSL, behavior and constraints.

203.221 Descargas

alfred-workflow 2.0.5

alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred]( wo...

161.232 Descargas

libis-tools 1.1.1

Some tool classes for other LIBIS gems.

145.969 Descargas

aliyun-oss-sdk 0.1.8

Aliyun OSS Ruby SDK

71.286 Descargas

einvoice 1.2.22

A API wrapper for Taiwan e-invoice services.

58.400 Descargas

gcov2x 0.5.6

gcov2x digests .gcov files generated by llvm-cov and translates them into various commo...

44.482 Descargas

fastspring-saasy 0.6.2

Ruby lib for using the FastSpring (SaaSy) subscription management API

34.541 Descargas

hotdogprincess 0.3.1

Integrate with the Parature API.

31.321 Descargas


Bseller API

27.371 Descargas

allpay 0.0.8

Allpay vAccount API

26.250 Descargas

faraday-encode_xml 1.0.0

Faraday middleware for encoding requests as XML.

26.230 Descargas

mundipagg_sdk 1.4.1

Ruby library for integrating with the MundiPagg payment web services

25.358 Descargas

rnfse 0.6.2

Biblioteca para integração com as várias implementações municipais de Nota Fiscal d...

23.325 Descargas

bambora-client 0.7.0

The official beanstream-ruby gem is not thread-safe. This thread-safe client works in e...

20.797 Descargas

abrupt 1.0.1

Tools for the AbRUPt project.

20.435 Descargas

savon-ng-1.6 2.4.1

This a fork from Daniel Harrington's savon with nokogiri updated to 1.6

18.334 Descargas

yield_star_client 0.2.2

A simple wrapper around a SOAP client for the YieldStar AppExchange web service.

18.040 Descargas

yield_star_client 0.2.2

A simple wrapper around a SOAP client for the YieldStar AppExchange web service.

18.040 Descargas

gcovtools 1.1.2

gcovtools digests .gcov files generated by llvm-cov and translates them into various co...

17.002 Descargas

stone_ecommerce 1.4.0

Ruby library for integrating with the Stone payment web services.

16.986 Descargas

keepcon 0.2.3

Ruby wrapper for the Keepcon XML API

15.546 Descargas

fortnox 0.0.5

Handle invoices and customers through the Fortnox API

14.185 Descargas

lexis_nexis_instant_authenticate 0.3.2

Ruby interface for using LexisNexis Instant Authenticate.

14.116 Descargas

mundipagg_api 1.3.1

Ruby library for integrating with the MundiPagg payment web services

13.350 Descargas

arc_weld 0.3.13

Toolkit for building ArcSight resources

13.335 Descargas

malcolm 0.1.0

A collection of Faraday middleware

10.948 Descargas

Total de descargas 90.186.943

Para esta versión 17.059.935



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.2
