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Dependencias inversas para guard La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren guard

graphql-searchkick 1.1.0

A Searchkick plugin for graphql-ruby allowing you to use searchkick with the connection...

171.556 Descargas

gantree 0.6.18

cli tool for automating docker deploys to elastic beanstalk

170.193 Descargas

administrate-field-carrierwave 0.6.0

A plugin to manage Carrierwave attachments in Administrate

169.604 Descargas

guard-consistency_fail 0.1.1

Guard::ConsistencyFail automatically runs consistency fail when model or schema.rb changes

169.125 Descargas

alfred-workflow 2.0.5

alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred]( wo...

165.684 Descargas

limarka 19.7.3

Com essa ferramenta você poderá escrever sua monografia, dissertação ou tese utilizando...

163.633 Descargas

homesick 1.1.6

Your home directory is your castle. Don't leave your dotfiles behind. Homesic...

163.620 Descargas

metanorma-nist 1.3.2

Metanorma NIST gem.

162.431 Descargas

metanorma-bipm 2.5.5

metanorma-vg lets you write Bureau International de Poids et Mesures (BIPM) standards i...

158.893 Descargas

metanorma-gb 1.5.8

metanorma-gb lets you write GB standards (Chinese national standards) in AsciiDoc synta...

158.495 Descargas

thegarage-gitx 2.14.0

Git eXtensions for common development workflow

158.386 Descargas

bank_card 0.1.1

Gem includes validations, card brand detection method, etc.

156.904 Descargas

CloudSesame 1.0.1

AWS CloudSearch Query DSL

156.164 Descargas

junk_drawer 2.1.2

random useful Ruby utilities

154.965 Descargas

telleroo 0.2.0

A Ruby interface to the Telleroo API.

153.916 Descargas

rspec-xsd 0.1.0

Rspec matcher for ensuring XML validates against a given XSD

152.939 Descargas

capistrano-exts 1.14.1

Capistrano exts is a set of helper tasks to help with the initial server configuration ...

152.354 Descargas

capsule_crm 1.10.4

Gem to communicate with CapsuleCRM

151.667 Descargas

guard-haml 1.1.2

Compiles file.html.haml into file.html

151.154 Descargas

quandl_operation 0.4.2

Data will be operated

150.525 Descargas

pry-macro 1.0.1

Macro Recording and Saving functionality for pry

150.361 Descargas

maid 0.10.0

Be lazy. Let Maid clean up after you, based on rules you define. Think of it as "Hazel ...

149.508 Descargas

guard-jshint-on-rails 0.0.2

Guard Javascript changes, ensuring JSHint complience

148.847 Descargas

taxjar-model_attribute 3.1.0

Attributes for non-ActiveRecord models. Smaller and simpler than Virtus, and adds d...

148.012 Descargas

graphql-relay 0.12.0

Define global ids, connections and mutations to use GraphQL and Relay with a Ruby server.

147.736 Descargas

hdo-storting-importer 0.6.0

Gem to process data from

147.371 Descargas

asciimath2unitsml 0.4.3

Convert Asciimath via MathML to UnitsML

147.286 Descargas

babelyoda 2.2.0

A simple utility to push/pull l10n resources of an Xcode project to/from the translators

146.003 Descargas

bitbucket_rest_api 0.1.7

Ruby wrapper for the BitBucket API supporting OAuth and Basic Authentication

145.701 Descargas

plane1converter 0.0.1

Convert characters + font shifts to Plane 1 Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols

145.417 Descargas

Total de descargas 112.461.161

Para esta versión 30.326

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.3
