RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para guard La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren guard

psd 3.9.0

Parse Photoshop PSD files with ease

190.300 Descargas

guard-rails-assets 0.1.6

guard-rails-assets automatically generates JavaScript, CSS, Image files using Rails ass...

188.117 Descargas

git-review 2.0.0

Manage review workflow for projects hosted on GitHub (using pull requests).

187.671 Descargas

xapian_db 1.3.11

XapianDb is a ruby gem that combines features of nosql databases and fulltext indexing....

187.558 Descargas

danger-reek 0.3.0

A Danger plugin to lint Ruby files through Reek.

187.422 Descargas

guard-jasmine-headless-webkit 0.3.2

Run jasmine-headless-webkit using guard

186.735 Descargas

ralphql 0.1.2

A ruby DSL for graphQL queries

183.540 Descargas

ns_settings_ui 1.7.0

Engine providing key-value settings stored in db with a web UI.

180.324 Descargas

sfmc-fuelsdk-ruby 1.3.1

API wrapper for SOAP and REST API with Salesforce Marketing Cloud (ExactTarget)

179.794 Descargas

jekyll-contentful-data-import 1.8.3

Load blog posts and other managed content into Jekyll

178.415 Descargas

memfs 1.0.0

MemFs provides a fake file system that can be used for tests. Strongly inspired by FakeFS.

177.725 Descargas

metanorma-iho 0.9.9

metanorma-iho lets you write IHO in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in active development.

177.606 Descargas

rack-www 2.3.0

Rack middleware to force subdomain redirects.

175.230 Descargas

acts_as_scrubbable 2.1.3

ActsAsScrubbable helps you scrub your database the easy way with mock data at the Activ...

175.085 Descargas

danger-duplicate_localizable_strings 0.3.0

A danger plugin for checking detecting duplicates in Localizable.strings files.

175.064 Descargas

deimos-ruby 1.24.3

Kafka libraries for Ruby.

175.000 Descargas

guard-cane 0.2.1

Guard::Cane automatically runs Cane when files change

174.699 Descargas

praxis-mapper 4.5

A multi-datastore library designed for efficiency in loading large datasets.

174.250 Descargas

webdriver 0.19.0


173.158 Descargas

guard-jshintrb 1.1.1

A Guard for jshintrb.

171.136 Descargas

metanorma-generic 2.6.4

Metanorma template gem for customisation. This gem is meant to be customised for any do...

170.409 Descargas

metanorma-cc 2.4.9

metanorma-cc lets you write CalConnect standards in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in ac...

169.525 Descargas

opskeleton 0.10.1

Managing services lifecycle from Development to production using Vagrant and Puppet

169.411 Descargas

nobspw 0.6.2

No Bullshit Password strength checker. Inspired by "Password Rules are Bullshit" by Jef...

168.979 Descargas

gantree 0.6.18

cli tool for automating docker deploys to elastic beanstalk

167.922 Descargas

danger-apkanalyzer 0.0.1

A Danger plugin for apkanalyzer.

167.562 Descargas

metanorma-utils 1.7.7

metanorma-utils provides utilities for the Metanorma stack

166.252 Descargas

alfred-workflow 2.0.5

alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred]( wo...

163.413 Descargas

guard-foreman 0.0.4

Guard plug-in that allows you to restart Foreman

163.111 Descargas

guard-consistency_fail 0.1.1

Guard::ConsistencyFail automatically runs consistency fail when model or schema.rb changes

162.733 Descargas

Total de descargas 104.415.835

Para esta versión 3.229.268



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.3
