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guard-rubocop 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 guard-rubocop

batch_dependent_associations 0.2.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

15,367 下载

aws_sqs_moniter 0.0.6

AWS SQS Moniter.

15,306 下载

codeless_code 0.2.1 contains many humorous and interesting fables and koans. The...

15,264 下载

tsdb_time_series 4.1.2

Provides a set of tools for working with time series data in OpenTSDB data store

15,196 下载

shib-rack 0.4.0

Rack middleware for Shibboleth SP authentication

15,169 下载

stand 1.0.5

Generate your standup reports instantly.

15,046 下载

twelvefactor-mailer 1.0.3

MAILER_URL for 12-factor mailer configuration in Rails applications.

14,888 下载

salesforce_http_client 0.2.0

This gem provides a simple way to download report data from It works we...

14,876 下载

intello-shipit-cli 1.3.1

Designed to simplify working with Gitlab, its main purpose is to kickstart working on a...

14,691 下载

lollipop 0.6.0

Development dependencies collection

14,604 下载

mws-merchant_fulfillment 1.2.0

A rich Ruby interface to the Amazon MWS Merchant Fulfillment API.

14,602 下载

danger-samsao 0.3.1

Danger plugin for Samsao PR guidelines.

14,505 下载

ididthis 0.1.3

A command line utility for posting and viewing dones on iDidThis.

14,475 下载

cutcut 1.4.5

CLI for working with videos

14,403 下载

securetrading 0.4.0

Ruby library for API integration.

14,311 下载

mws-feeds 1.4.1

A rich Ruby interface to the Amazon MWS Feeds API.

14,273 下载

rbplotly 0.1.2

Rbplotly, a Ruby visualization library, allows you to create interactive plots.

14,261 下载

ynab_convert 2.0.6

Utility to convert CSV statements into the YNAB4 format for easier transation import. S...

14,134 下载

projecter 0.1.4

Projecter - Stub Ruby projects

14,042 下载

devise_rails_api_authentication 1.2.1

Token-based rails-api authentication with Devise

13,880 下载

i18n_yaml_editor 2.1.0

I18n Yaml Editor

13,807 下载

next_page 0.2.0

Provide basic pagination, including page size and number as well as helpers for generat...

13,760 下载

circleci-cli 3.0.0

A command line tool for CircleCI

13,465 下载

twelvefactor-cache 1.0.3

CACHE_URL for 12-factor cache configuration in Rails applications.

13,334 下载

ar-translatable 0.2.0

ActiveRecord plugin to translate.

13,232 下载

time_range_extractor 0.3.0

Extract a time range from a block of text.

13,156 下载

toolbelt 0.0.2

A collection of POROs to use in your applications.

13,006 下载

human_enum 0.1.3

This gem allows you to specify enum value translations like any other ActiveRecord ...

12,835 下载

morse_controller_helpers 0.1.14

Morse Controller Helpers

12,779 下载

spree-last-address 2.2.1

During checkout, causes the address to be prefilled with the address from their most re...

12,778 下载

下载总量 13,729,836

这个版本 4,571,192



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
