RubyGems Navigation menu

guard-rubocop 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 guard-rubocop

iterm2-viewer 0.0.8

Utility for view images in the terminal. iTerm2-nightly is required

20,086 下載

speedflow-plugin-jira 0.3.6

A Speedflow plugin for JIRA.

19,443 下載

container_ship 0.1.6

container_ship is a simple ECS deployment tool. You only need to prepare Dockerfile and...

19,141 下載

seibii-http 1.0.4

Internal HTTP client for seibii services

19,135 下載

wcc-contentful-graphql 1.2.0

GraphQL interface over WCC::Contentful store

19,090 下載

ruby_multiton 0.1.2

Multiton provides a transparent, thread safe and highly compatible implementation of th...

19,030 下載

lita-irasutoya 1.0.0

Lita plugin to get random images from

19,007 下載

rzo 0.8.0

Rizzo (rzo) is a tool for working with Vagrant and layered Puppet control repos

18,885 下載

ravioli 0.2.6

Ravioli combines all of your app's runtime configuration into a unified, simple interfa...

18,717 下載

ogre 0.1.7

Command line tool to automate creation of chef orgs, chef policy repositories, and vali...

18,572 下載

creatable 2.3.1

Mixin adds create, and attribute methods. Use these instead of attr_ and the #create m...

18,535 下載

twitter-cache 0.2.5

easy access and cache twitter friends

18,440 下載

active_any 0.0.8

A utility for quering interface to any objects like ActiveRecord. This gem support for ...

18,333 下載

exceptionally_beautiful 0.1.5

A Rails engine for handling error pages.

18,148 下載

html-pipeline-issue_references 1.0.2

An HTML::Pipeline filter for auto-linking GitHub issue references

17,869 下載

contentful-database-importer 0.6.0

Tool to import content from a Database to Contentful

17,865 下載

mailpeek 1.0.3

A web interface to view emails sent out when developing in Rails

17,526 下載

activegraph-extensions 0.0.4

Additional features to activegraph, like sideload limiting, authorizing sideloads etc.

16,814 下載

loginator 0.1.2

Standardized logging of API requests/responses

16,612 下載

lb-project 0.3.1

Static site builder with easy migration to dynamic site

16,423 下載

fetching 0.7.0

Strict wrapper for Hashes and Arrays that doesn't return nil

16,302 下載

data_crate 0.1.8


16,288 下載

dogtrainer 0.4.2

DEPRECATED - Provides a slightly opinionated wrapper class around DataDog's dogapi to ...

16,277 下載

light_form 0.0.7

Light form

16,271 下載

meta_hari 0.0.6

Receiving product informations from a given link.

16,031 下載

formkeep 0.0.7

A library for interacting with the formkeep API.

15,952 下載

toot 0.4.1

Send and receive events from remote services over HTTP.

15,937 下載

meeseeks 0.2.0

Submits measurements to a circonus http trap

15,907 下載

chef-gen-flavor-example 0.6.1

An example plugin for [chef-gen-flavors]( ...

15,650 下載

irasutoya 1.1.0

CLI and library for irastoya

15,585 下載

總下載次數 13,727,760

這個版本 4,569,441



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
