guard-process 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 guard-process
autoscaler 1.0.0
Currently provides a Sidekiq middleware that does 0/1 scaling of Heroku processes
117,881 下載
ela 4.1.6
HTML5 E-Learning Framework
34,340 下載
em-ftpd 0.0.1
Build a custom FTP daemon backed by a datastore of your choice
17,602 下載
autoscale 0.11.0
Currently provides a Sidekiq middleware that does 0/1 scaling of Heroku processes
11,536 下載
pytty 0.5.0
11,484 下載
pianobartender 0.0.4
Wraps pianobar in a really simple web api
10,639 下載