RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para guard-compat La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren guard-compat

rugular 0.10.0

Rugular - a ruby scaffolding framework for AngularJS

119.174 Descargas

guard-spinach 0.2.0

guard-spinach is a guard plugin for spinach

115.607 Descargas

guard-jammit 1.1.0

Watches your assets to automatically package them using Jammit.

93.027 Descargas

guard-delayed 0.4.0

Guard::Delayedjob automatically starts/stops/restarts delayed_job

86.982 Descargas

guard-passenger 0.6.2

Guard::Passenger automatically restarts Passenger when needed.

71.389 Descargas

guard-less 2.0.0

Guard::Less automatically compiles less (like lessc --watch)

65.835 Descargas

guard-scss_lint 0.1.7

A Guard plugin to lint your .scss files using scss_lint. SCSS Lint changed from scss-li...

63.197 Descargas

guard-yarn 1.0.0

Guard plugin for YARN. Run yarn whenever package.json changes

49.727 Descargas

guard-falcon 0.13.1

A guard plugin to run an instance of the falcon web server.

48.942 Descargas

guard-phpunit2 0.3.0

Guard::PHPUnit automatically run your unit-tests written with the PHPUnit testing frame...

43.412 Descargas

guard-sorbet 0.5.0

Guard plugin for the Sorbet Ruby type checker

42.810 Descargas

guard-slim_lint 1.2.0

Guard::SlimLint automatically runs Slim Lint tools.

38.338 Descargas

guard-redis 2.0.0

Guard::Redis automatically starts and restarts your local redis server.

37.133 Descargas

guard-jekyll 1.5.0

Guard::Jekyll automatically rebuilds websites with the Jekyll static site generator.

33.325 Descargas

ela 4.1.6

HTML5 E-Learning Framework

31.902 Descargas

guard-ronn 2.1.0

Guard::Ronn automatically builds your manual pages.

31.792 Descargas

guard-lono 1.0.1

Guard::Lono automatically builds cloud formation templates from lono erb templates.

31.096 Descargas

guard-kjell 1.0.2

Run a command once when files change. Implemented because guard-shell was NIH, and ran ...

30.165 Descargas

guard-remote-sync 0.1.0

Guard::RemoteSync to automatically rsync your files.

28.091 Descargas

guard-fasterer 0.1.0

Guard gem for fasterer - automatically runs fasterer

23.821 Descargas

guard-jest 0.2.0

Guard plugin for testing Javascript using the Jest test runner

21.873 Descargas

guard-symlink 0.1.1

Guard to symlink watched folders recursively into the current.

21.451 Descargas

guard-konacha-rails 1.1.6

Guard plugin for the konacha testing framework.

20.998 Descargas

guard-middleman 0.5.0

Guard gem for Middleman - automatically runs middleman build

20.916 Descargas

guard-websocket-rails 0.1.8

Guard::WebsocketRails allows you to automatically start and stop your websocket-rails s...

19.313 Descargas

guard-webpacker 0.2.1

guard-webpacker automatically runs webpack-dev-server or webpack

18.738 Descargas

guard-maven 0.5.0

Guard for Maven runs the clean and test commands for a Maven project

17.218 Descargas

guard-pumadev 2.0.1

Guard::PumaDev automatically manage PumaDev applications restart

15.824 Descargas

guard-yardstick 1.0.0

Guard::Yardstick automatically checks your code for missing yardocs when files are mod...

15.502 Descargas

guard-pytest 0.1.2

Guard::Pytest automatically runs Pytest when watched files are modified.

15.377 Descargas

Total de descargas 84.721.330

Para esta versión 84.204.188



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
