grpc 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 grpc
happyco 2.7.0
Generated from gRPC proto files
18,140 下載
cerbos 0.10.0
Perform authorization in Ruby applications by interacting with the Cerbos policy decisi...
17,925 下載
grpclb 0.5.3
grpclb ruby protocol
17,009 下載
fbcrawl-colly 1.1.1
Crawl using GO Colly
16,525 下載
hyperledger-fabric-sdk 0.2.1
This SDK enables Ruby developers to interact with hyperledger-fabric
15,620 下載
libra_client 0.2.1
A ruby client for Libra network.
15,216 下載
riddler 0.2.0
Dynamic content and workflow engine
14,744 下載
hgitaly 17.8.4
Auto-generated gRPC client for the HGitaly protocol, an extension of the Gitaly protoco...
14,621 下載
protosum 0.9.13
igsr5's test package for proto buf
14,268 下載
runways 0.1.7
Runways is a framework that helps you create a simple Ruby application using GRPC for c...
12,743 下載
flow_client 0.2.3
A Ruby client for the Flow blockchain
12,686 下載
flow_client 0.2.3
A Ruby client for the Flow blockchain
12,686 下載
gnparser 0.14.1
The gem parses scientific names into semantic elements using gRPC ...
12,379 下載
grpcx 0.3.4
gRPC extensions/helpers
12,091 下載
stability_sdk 0.4.1
Interacting with APIs (e.g. stable diffusion inference). Ruby client of ht...
11,872 下載
highlight_io 0.5.4
The Highlight SDK for Ruby
11,860 下載
ruby_lnd_grpc_client 0.1.1
This is grpc client for lnd v0.2.1-alpha. Is generated code from rpc.proto
10,954 下載
jitera_proto 0.0.31
Jitera payload's proto
10,813 下載
igsr5-portfolio-proto 0.0.17
Write a longer description or delete this line.
10,793 下載
tensorflow_serving_client 0.2.1
A Ruby client library for Tensorflow Serving
10,143 下載
fabric-gateway 0.6.0
Ruby port of the Hyperledger Fabric Gateway SDK
9,833 下載
rubysdk 0.0.1
Ruby SDK for Gaia pipelines (
9,833 下載
protosum2 0.9.19
Write a longer description or delete this line.
9,388 下載
vmik-fluent-plugin-google-cloud 0.5.5
Fluentd output plugin for the Stackdriver Logging API, which will make logs viewable...
9,222 下載
Client library for interacting with a Pachyderm cluster
8,739 下載
turbine_rb 0.2.5
Turbine is a data application framework for building server-side applications that are ...
8,518 下載
grpcgreeter 0.0.1471158235
Hello World GRPC
8,474 下載
dapr-client 0.4.0
Dapr SDK for Ruby
8,128 下載
makit 0.0.63
CI/CD tools for Ruby developers.
8,019 下載
xpring 0.2.1
A Ruby SDK for the XRP ledger
7,928 下載