RubyGems Navigation menu

google-protobuf 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 google-protobuf

poke-go-api 0.2.1

An API wrapper for Pokemon GO

25,994 下載

pbbuilder 0.18.0

Generate Protobuf Messages with a simple DSL similar to JBuilder

25,515 下載

nexus_semantic_logger 1.12.6

semantic_logger usage for nexus

19,032 下載

lsslog 0.1.6

Lsslog Ruby Client

18,410 下載

wearefair-grpc 1.4.0.fair

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

17,713 下載

wearefair-grpc 1.4.0.fair

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

17,713 下載

wearefair-grpc 1.4.0.fair

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

17,713 下載

umbra-rb 0.3.0

A shadow requesting library for rack based applications

17,051 下載

authentic-jwt 1.2.0

Client authentication for Authentic Apps

17,037 下載

pulsar_sdk 0.8.8

A pure ruby client for Apache Pulsar

16,050 下載

fbcrawl-colly 1.1.1

Crawl using GO Colly

15,552 下載

hyperledger-fabric-sdk 0.2.1

This SDK enables Ruby developers to interact with hyperledger-fabric

14,933 下載

protosum 0.9.13

igsr5's test package for proto buf

12,887 下載

cita-sdk-ruby 20.2.0

Ruby CITA SDK for signature and rpc call

12,368 下載

hgitaly 1.7.0

Auto-generated gRPC client for the HGitaly protocol, an extension of the Gitaly protoco...

12,256 下載

xhummingbird 0.1.6

The Ruby client for xHummingbird application event tracker

11,407 下載

cerbos 0.9.0

Perform authorization in Ruby applications by interacting with the Cerbos policy decisi...

11,009 下載

zilliqa 0.1.7

Zilliqa -- Zilliqa Ruby Blockchain Library

10,674 下載

meshtastic 0.0.70

9,734 下載

google-apps-script-type 1.5.0

Common protocol buffer types used by Google Apps Script related client libraries

9,721 下載

igsr5-portfolio-proto 0.0.17

Write a longer description or delete this line.

9,545 下載

fabric-gateway 0.6.0

Ruby port of the Hyperledger Fabric Gateway SDK

8,907 下載

hypertrace-agent 0.3.0

Hypertrace Ruby Agent

8,821 下載

jitera_proto 0.0.31

Jitera payload's proto

8,597 下載

protosum2 0.9.19

Write a longer description or delete this line.

8,483 下載

awesome-grpc-that-works 0.12.2

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

8,179 下載


Client library for interacting with a Pachyderm cluster

8,160 下載

proto-convert 0.4.2

a CLI tool to convert protobuf messages from binary to JSON and vice versa

8,136 下載

swarmclient 0.1.5

A gem for the CRUD operations on the bluzelle SwarmDB

7,952 下載

anmol_cortex_client_ruby 0.1.3

Client to push resource to cortex

7,740 下載

總下載次數 267,153,208

這個版本 1,896



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0
