Dependencias inversas para google-protobuf La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren google-protobuf
scout_apm_logging 1.0.2
Sets up log monitoring for Scout APM Ruby clients.
92.052 Descargas
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-metrics 0.4.0
OTLP metrics exporter for the OpenTelemetry framework
88.824 Descargas
devcycle-ruby-server-sdk 3.4.0
DevCycle Ruby Server SDK, for interacting with feature flags created with the DevCycle ...
79.452 Descargas
rookout 0.1.56
rookout is the Ruby SDK for the Rookout Debugging Platform
78.846 Descargas
apollo-studio-tracing 1.1.0
A Ruby implementation of Apollo GraphQL Studio tracing
78.040 Descargas
pb-serializer 0.5.2
Serialize objects into Protocol Buffers messages
70.137 Descargas
bucket_cake 6.3.2
Get cakeproto objects from S3.
61.715 Descargas
protobuf_nested_struct 1.1.0
Serialize primitives and deep structures (array, hash) to protobuf
61.091 Descargas
grpc_required_annotator 0.1.3
Annotator for null validation of gRPC requests using `required`
60.863 Descargas
railway-ipc 5.1.1
IPC components for Rails
55.525 Descargas
railway-ipc 5.1.1
IPC components for Rails
55.525 Descargas
bmx-event_hook_client_server 1.3.1
Client and server implementation for the Webhook Configurator service.
46.982 Descargas
lnrpc 0.15.5
gRPC service definitions for the Lightning Network Daemon (lnd) gRPC interface packed a...
43.965 Descargas
workstream_protocol 0.8.1
Ruby SDK of Workstream message Specification
39.056 Descargas
primary_connect_proto 0.25.0
Protobufs for Diagnostic Ordering and Resulting
38.251 Descargas
ExistRuby 2022.2.2
Exist ruby. Auto service discovery in the LAN.
38.195 Descargas
travel_time 0.6.2
TravelTime SDK for Ruby programming language
38.048 Descargas
fastlane-plugin-accessibility_test 0.1.17
Accessibility test with Firebase Test Lab for Android.
36.108 Descargas
xrbp 0.2.8
Ruby XRP Tools
33.259 Descargas
protein 0.7.0
Multi-platform remote procedure call (RPC) system based on Protocol Buffers
32.828 Descargas
pbio 0.3.2
Protobuf Streaming
32.572 Descargas
krpc 0.4.1
kRPC-rb is a Ruby client library for kRPC, a Kerbal Space Program mod that allows you t...
29.660 Descargas
pbbuilder 0.19.0
Generate Protobuf Messages with a simple DSL similar to JBuilder
28.532 Descargas
poke-go-api 0.2.1
An API wrapper for Pokemon GO
26.929 Descargas
nexus_semantic_logger 1.34.4
semantic_logger usage for nexus
26.617 Descargas
meshtastic 0.0.120
24.260 Descargas
lsslog 0.2.0
Lsslog Ruby Client
21.639 Descargas
wearefair-grpc 1.4.0.fair
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
18.566 Descargas
wearefair-grpc 1.4.0.fair
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
18.566 Descargas
wearefair-grpc 1.4.0.fair
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
18.566 Descargas